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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Only had a couple of people not pay up, but that's been settled easily enough. Never had any trouble buying, even potentially dodgy stuff like an old iPod Shuffle from the States a while back.
  2. 1. Einstürzende Neubauten rule. 2. German girls' voices don't get any less piercingly annoying just because they've lived in Britain for a while. 3. Fat-faced Camden indie kids should be rounded up and shot. 4. Listening to Brits trying to pronounce German song titles is funny. 5. Listening to ticket touts trying to pronounce "Einstürzende Neubauten" is funnier.
  3. Agree. True with Chinese food too. Took me years to find a half-competent Chinese place in Germany, they generally serve every single dish with the same slightly gloopy sauce regardless of what you order. Indian seems to be something of a delicacy over there, probably because there isn't the same population base so it's not as widespread - I suppose the equivalent to a curry on your night out is a Turkish kebab and chips - so you can get some really nice dishes but it costs a bit more and you don't get the same "pile it high and shovel it in" mentality as you do here. Which is a shame, really.
  4. Ignoring that last bit, things really have improved though. I don't accept any shit from foreigners about the quality of British cuisine these days. Well, except possibly from the French. And the Italians... and the Greeks. But you get the point. I mean, my mother comes from a backwater in rural Sweden where they've only just discovered immigrants and curry powder, and even she was shocked when she moved over here in the 60s and struggled to find herbs and things like that.
  5. Whaaat? I didn't invent the silly Russian-or-whatever-it-is language and alphabet... Sod the name of the thing! Tomato juice is fucking rank! Oh right Aye, fair enough, it was a bit of an aberration
  6. Whaaat? I didn't invent the silly Russian-or-whatever-it-is language and alphabet...
  7. Just bought some tomato juice from the corner shop. Not sure why it jumped out of the shelf at me, to be honest...
  8. Meenzer


    Just to be awkward, I prefer "Kick Up The Fire...", though I suspect that's partly because I'm a big old softie who can't resist "Blind Pilots".
  9. Meenzer


    Latest album was a bit arse, but still, I liked them. Oh well.
  10. Ooo, I never thought of that Nor did I. British corner-cutting at its finest! (Of course, if it was German I'd be calling it efficiency... )
  11. As a cruel twist of irony, the lad that runs the Alphabite cutter on my shift is a chronic dyslexic. What's the distribution of letters anyway, is it like a Scrabble set?
  12. Even without the Van Nistelrooy picture? Wow! Meenzer will post it in a minute. Shan't. I'm a tease like that. Besides, this thread is no gayer than the one where Gay69 expressed surprise at the presence of gays in a gay bar then said I wasn't gay because I hadn't taken it up the arse gaywise off a gayer.
  13. They're debating the relative merits of the side orders their loyal wifies might come up with, man. The product being advertised is already beyond debate.
  14. Do that plenty thanks, but sometimes you just need a bit of cack food. It's good for the soul.
  15. Some reprocessed Birds Eye gank or other.
  16. Isn't that person just bizarre? Now look at all the long-range photos I have of people who might be them...
  17. Well they are wafully versatile. Eggs in, eggs on, gamm-on...
  18. Crispy Pancakes! Marvellous. Used to just about live on them when I was 12 or so.
  19. Nobby arguing back at Terry's chest was great though. Reminiscent of the finger-wagging square-up between Juninho and Albert
  20. Speaking of which, that Judas Iscariot fella was class. I know that doesn't fit in with the topic of the thread, but it was worth mentioning.
  21. No probs, should try it yourself sometime really. 1 in 74 attempts isn't a bad return! Statto! Statto! I'm amazed it took you lot 12 pages to start on me tbf! Aye, I'm amazed it didn't occur to me sooner
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