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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Bit weird, I thought they loved world wars?
  2. We used to do the 24-hour ferry to Gothenburg back when it still existed. Bit less of a booze cruise, but you didn't half learn about cabin fever after a while. Harwich to Hoek van Holland is ideal by comparison. Rock up in the evening just in time for a nightcap in the bar, away to bed as you're setting sail, then wake up already at your destination. Only trouble is Stena Line plays fucking "Don't Worry, Be Happy" over the PA to wake everyone up.
  3. Gazza good as before Shearer certain to score And Psycho screaming
  4. Like "ribbon" with a "d" at the end
  5. I heard the ITV commentators say "it's almost 10 vs. 9, aiming for Wilson" and I assume they didn't mean it to be quite as snarky as that, but...
  6. Have ye heard of a thing called... Curb Yer Enthusiasm?
  7. Gemmill is now officially that Little Britain character asking his hotel guests if they've heard of a tomato
  8. I think it makes you metrosexual, which might actually be worse.
  9. Consistency in refereeing? Why start now?
  10. I have rarely felt more homosexual than when listening to people not knowing who Tina Fey is.
  11. Oh right, he's offside because he's leaning. That seems normal and completely relatable.
  12. Hahahahaha you've got to be fucking kidding
  13. And that's a ridiculous red from a referee that feels he needs to even things up.
  14. You've committed more energy to this post than he will to his performance today
  15. I suppose the appeal process will determine whether we're a big club yet or not.
  16. Third time now that McCoist has defended evidently poor play from Murphy. Strange.
  17. That statement implies the Mail caters for normal thinking people.
  18. Netherlands is massively underrated as a destination imo. Some of the other cities are great too, lush beaches, easy (casual) cycling. And bitterballen. 🥰
  19. Slovenia was ahead of the game
  20. This might please you (even if the 'translation' of the float slogan is painfully shit): https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/c04zzr73vgpo
  21. Avon and Somerset Police called Wednesday's XL bully attack "incredibly rare": https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1d441203ndo Meanwhile, on fucking Monday: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7vzzrvrv4zo Proving the stopped clock theory, this is the one thing Suella Braverman has ever been right about.
  22. Not under Badenough they're not, but she won't last till the next election anyway.
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