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Meenzer last won the day on July 24 2023

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  1. The Lib Dems, of all parties, calling for increased defence spending is a sign of the times we're in really.
  2. Now you're sounding paranoid
  3. No words mate, so sorry to hear. Try to look after yourself as best you can while you're looking after everyone else.
  4. Unrelatedly, I have a new desk toy.
  5. It's bizarre for a country that spent decades being terrified of the Commies.
  6. Not even speculation. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/jan/12/neil-warnock-cardiff-city-brexit-leave
  7. Should be called Am I Being Unhygienic
  8. Often, but not exclusively. You'd be surprised at the sizeable minority of queer folk who lean right politically and economically, although (luckily for you if your hunch is right) it does seem to be mostly gay men. I've never really understood it. Possibly a combination of internalised homophobia, a sense that they're sticking it to the people who bullied them at school, a desire to pull up the ladder and protect what they've got in a world that isn't always all that keen on them, and a secret admiration for Thatcher's dress sense. Scratch the surface and it's very often the same people who'd not only gladly jettison the T from LGBT at a moment's notice, but who are sceptical that the B even exists and aren't especially fond of the L. All while flirting with the police at Pride and holidaying in Dubai. Fun!
  9. I started it, but I didn't make it To The End.
  10. Also, I definitely didn't say this on a Newcastle forum but if you're happy to go a bit further afield while staying on the Metro network, I think the coastal walk from Sunderland to South Shields is actually nicer.....
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