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Everything posted by Binner9

  1. i know where there is one going but the kid wants 70 quid like robbing twat
  2. you not on about jj hooper http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/Teams/AcademyPlayerProfile/0,,10278~2428741,00.html
  3. is it just me who thinks him and jonas are identical. pacy good dribblers next to no end product?
  4. anyone want to impress there knowledge of rivers on me??
  5. just looking at the .co.uk site who is this fella??? never heard of him at the academy apparently
  6. Carroll - cost nowt sold for £35m got to be really. bring through a striker of that international ability and getting that price. non contest.
  7. he shouldn't even be in that area. its asking for trouble. as for running what a numpty its a bit on top being a nufc footballer in the city center assaulting someone.
  8. that was a disgrace weren't it. what a waste.
  9. i think there holding back so if they have to go for the bridges and crouch's they will have the best bargaining tool IE the need to get players off the books for when they chop the squads. shrewd but tight.
  10. i think there holding back so if they have to go for the bridges and crouch's they will have the best bargaining tool IE the need to get players off the books for when they chop the squads. shrewd but tight.
  11. its a nice feeling when your midfield can actually shoot. i don't think the toons had so many midfielders who can ping one for a while.
  12. if someone could point me in the direction of somewhere child friendly id be ever so grateful? is shearer's ok for bairns?
  13. can't wait to see shola miss all the stuff that marveux puts on a plate for him. going to make my weekend
  14. Good FM player Pardews fucking mint at this management business I'd go mental if we signed Situ! Not to sound Deadman-esque, but I signed him in FM2010 and he was immense. I don't mean to sound condescending, but how the fuck can you rate a player from FM2010? What's his Fifa 11 rating? This is the true measure of a player.
  15. Good FM player Pardews fucking mint at this management business lets not get carried away now.
  16. the were two trialists playing today one scored two goals in a reserve game Darnell Situ. had a look about him he looks quite nifty.
  17. the striker search bemuses me. we could of signed maybe a loanee so we had someone till the right striker came along. we will probably get someone totally average now.
  18. not agreed and thats not just cause your a makem.
  19. the likes of vuckic and abeid pulled up when they could of easy drove past as nobody noticed them. harper seemed well pissed off as they'd just been informed of the team apparently
  20. its not the first time in life i have been a knob and jumped the gun lol i have the feeling it might not be the last sorry mate
  21. apologies then my bad if the case. but he did think it was gold. never seen him so chuffed to be honest.
  22. it is to a 6yr old. here is me thinking he is immature.
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