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Everything posted by Sandancer82

  1. They're as bad as muslims that type. I'm sure our RE teacher at school said it was immoral to have a wank. Then I am EXTREMELY immoral then!
  2. A bit flirt on is harmless surely. We all do it. (dont we?) In front of the other half is different, but then again, you probably wouldnt flirt the way you would if they were there anyway.
  3. I watched some film called Prom Night over the weekend. Was meant to be a horror - when in fact it was utter shite!
  4. Yous make me laugh! Though I cannot argue with the fact you'll be getting another 3 points from us. And that picture is fucking hurrendous!
  5. Well...I'm still in shock! A 4-0 win was not what I was expecting at all! And a cracking performance to go with it aswell. Fingers crossed this is the start of a good run for us...but I might be getting ahead of myself! Think yous will win tomorrow aswell!
  6. I'm a season ticket holder - for my sins! The Stoke ones a weird one to call because of the GNR at the same time, but I am going to plump for about 30k in attendance. ( I might actually be being optimistic there ) I'm missing it for starters due to the run, so knock another 1 off that aswell!
  7. I wondered where that come from! Why thank you! I look all dapper now with it! Go with your shell suit? Shell suits are so 80s man. I just wear my pyjamas everywhere now! I'm down with all the new trends me man!
  8. I wondered where that come from! Why thank you! I look all dapper now with it!
  9. Really? I have no idea who Paul Wynn is by the way! As for Bruce, he's a good talent scout at best. He can pick a player but cannot field a team for shit. We've been crying out for a left back since the departure of Danny Collins at least, and still, he hasnt replaced one. Two strikers have walked and we have sold a good young homegrown prospect all in the shape of 8 months. Something is clearly going on behind closed doors, but we are getting to know nowt. Bruce has also slated the fans lately which pisses me off even more, and as for Gardener and his Ah everything is canny man, nowt to worry about comment; he can fuck right off anarl! Feel a bit better now thats off my chest! As for you lot, well it sickens me because yous are jammy bastards sometimes mind. However, I dont think yous will do too bad. We will be giving 3 more fucking points in March though if youre needing some! Bastards!!
  10. Probably finish around the same positions as last year, SAFC and NUFC. Don't think we'll improv on it at all. The mackem at work isn't hoping you lose this weekend, but he can see a bright side if it means Bruce will be sacked. For a while last season when you were 6th he was dead happy with Bruce and asking why they shouldn't get into the champions league. Hope you keep hold of him. Don't really want see you' get a boost. Ha - cheers mate. I cannot see us winning on sunday like. Stoke play god awful football, but we cannot defend set pieces for shit (or take them for that matter!) so I'm predicting a 2-0 loss and Bruce out the door!
  11. Cheers! Right now I'd love mid table. I'm no doom monger but by god, I am fed up with the whole club at the minute. I was a Bruce fan until the end of last season, when I found myself on the fence. Since the start of this one, I have fallen into the Bruce Out camp, which I'm gutted about, but his tactics are fucking dire!
  12. Hello all! Just wondering what your thoughts are for your lot this season? And dare I ask, for our lot too!?! Think you'll do well? Think its too early for us lot to knee jerk? I am a very fed up fan at the moment I can tell you that!
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