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muthaf***in toon lover

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Everything posted by muthaf***in toon lover

  1. .... the big JC. Have a good one buddy. Good luck with the whole comeback thing. ps Hope you got that bike you were after.
  2. 1. The head German emperors – Kaiser Chiefs 2. Exhibition or Custer’s last? - 3. Defoe sullenly purses his lips - 4. Abracadabra 73, 48, 119 – Magic Numbers 5. Theatre award is auction house – Tony Christie 6. Did Spooner think of her as a ‘burly chassis’? – Shirley Bassey 7. Track or field participant - athlete 8. Meadow saving private - 9. Lucky shrub is not large – Heather Small 10. Bond is old spy - 11. To lash at precious metal - Goldfrapp 12. A singular laugh? – a ha 13. Nursery is a right mess! 14. Scottish valley, Scottish clan – Glen Cambell 15. Braun and Butch – eva cassidy 16. The king and Abbott’s partner – Elvis costello 17. Elton in Colorado – john denver 18. Assembly in a pretty harbour - 19. Liar on vacation – billy holiday 20. Assault is huge - Massive attack 21. A blissful state - 22. Toilet marsh grass – lou reed 23. 0.35195 fluid ounces - 10 cc 24. Cleo’s man with the furniture polishes - 25. Lachrymal secretion goes with a bang – teardrop explodes 26. 10,000,000 minus 4,663,662 (then turn your calculator upside down) Bee gees 27. LDV Safeway - Van Morrison 28. Brick depression is mad 29. Silverbacks - gorrillaz 30. 24 hours of jealousy – green day 31. One who puts the food in your mouth - feeder 32. Jilt the fruit - 33. Illuminated shaver - razorlight 34. In short is she missing in action? - 35. A third of the perfect male torso (in beer terms!) - tupac 36. Fingertips are 225 mm (nom.) - 37. Pistol made from silky-like fabric – velvet revolver 38. Contemplate in silence - 39. The French impair - 40. Hur collapses quintet – ben folds 5 41. Masonry ‘do’ - bloc party 42. Conran goes to Notts river for horse race – terence trent d’arby 43. Jimmy, George Sr. and Bill – ex presidents 44. The living dead - 45. The seventh quartet? - 46. This tearoom is not happy - Sad cafe 47. Tennis injury? - elbow 48. Aurelian aural hoop - 49. The precociously clever child -
  3. I THINK YOU WILL FIND IT'S (note the correct grammar) SPELLED S P A S T I C ACTUALLY 67630[/snapback] Hasn't that awful word been dispensed with? 67633[/snapback] I think so actually, can't remember what 'The Spastic Society' is referred to as these days.... 67640[/snapback] That would be SCOPE
  4. Now we just think they're humourless bigots. 67505[/snapback] I don't imagine that the british government would be happy to let someone pretending to be british and expressing racialist views operate from a .gov site either mind. They are not stopping him putting a website out, just blocking him using a kazakh site. Mind you they are humourless bigots
  5. Hmm, what's if he was not guilty? 67395[/snapback] I don't think there was any real doubt over his guilt, the whole appeal process was built around the good work he has done since his conviction rather than being any attempt to prove his innocence. 67396[/snapback] The case wasn't cast iron, there were always minor doubts about the evidence. Williams admitted nearly everything except the murder for the whole 25 years. It wasn't about setting him free, just about downgrading the death penalty to a life sentence. I think with the remorse the man showed and his indisputable positive influence on American gang culture this might have been a good case to make use of the power of pardon. 67402[/snapback] By positive influence on gang culture do you mean he helped to start it? since his incarceration he has done many things that have been positive, but these are far outweighed by the negative influence he has had directly (by killing people) and indirectly. How many mothers who have had their sons killed as a result of the gangland culture in LA would say "Well he's written some nice kids books since the government said they were gonna kill him. We should change the rules for him." It's not even really an argument for or against the death penalty, California has chosen to continue killing people for violent murders. The inhumane part is that it has taken 25yrs, the benefits of a democratic appeals process. 67425[/snapback] 25 years, in which the criminal admitted all crimes except the murder he got the death sentence for. The paradox is as Jimbo has pointed out that if he had admitted a crime he maybe didn't commit then he would have had a better chances getting a pardon. 25 years in which it has been tried to set up a re-trial on the base of new evidence. I'm strongly opposed to the death penalty, because the idea of revenge is archaic. And it doesn't really give consolation to the victim's relatives. There is no doubt that Williams was a criminal, who deserved his stay in prison. The only question is, was he a murder and should be killed for it. Ff the death penalt is enforced then IMHO only in those cases where there is absolutely no doubt. To take the life of somebody to please the relatives of victims you have to be dead sure you get the right one. 67431[/snapback] Whilst he admitted crimes, he also refused to turn in other gang members and known criminals and he maintained communication with his old networks once released from solitary. As a founder of an organisation that has led to the deaths of thousands of people in the last 30yrs he has to bear the burden of responsibility. I personally do not believe in the reintroduction of the death penalty, however I do believe that if you commit crimes that carry that sentence where it exists you have only yourself to blame.
  6. Hmm, what's if he was not guilty? 67395[/snapback] I don't think there was any real doubt over his guilt, the whole appeal process was built around the good work he has done since his conviction rather than being any attempt to prove his innocence. 67396[/snapback] The case wasn't cast iron, there were always minor doubts about the evidence. Williams admitted nearly everything except the murder for the whole 25 years. It wasn't about setting him free, just about downgrading the death penalty to a life sentence. I think with the remorse the man showed and his indisputable positive influence on American gang culture this might have been a good case to make use of the power of pardon. 67402[/snapback] By positive influence on gang culture do you mean he helped to start it? since his incarceration he has done many things that have been positive, but these are far outweighed by the negative influence he has had directly (by killing people) and indirectly. How many mothers who have had their sons killed as a result of the gangland culture in LA would say "Well he's written some nice kids books since the government said they were gonna kill him. We should change the rules for him." It's not even really an argument for or against the death penalty, California has chosen to continue killing people for violent murders. The inhumane part is that it has taken 25yrs, the benefits of a democratic appeals process.
  7. Shwarzenegger looks to be losing the support of celebrities on this one and potentially risking the wrath of LA gangland culture. Executing a bloke nominated for 5 nobel peace prizes will piss off the liberals too. Any views? As an aside, the bit in bold, did anyone else think people only spoke like that in The Warriors?
  8. To jump in rather late - you mean like shirts? But anyways go and see a lady doctor (with non-dirty lookin hands)
  9. Just dug out my copy of "Hour of Bewilderbeast". Forgot how good this was. Been pissing the wife off listening to it all morning. Also Elliott Smith XO and Figure 8. Top stuff, shame he stabbed hisself
  10. Is he for real? He's fucking modelled himself on him! 54432[/snapback] How did you nick that photo? The site said no to me basically. 54444[/snapback] Use a proper web-browser then! Image protection bollocks only seems to work through IE (I say 'seems' as I've never tried it through Firefox but I know for certain that Opera gets around it. 54451[/snapback] Don't go turning this into one of your IT nerd threads. 54453[/snapback] I think you'll find Renton did.... don't make too much of it, at least he's not defending idle French wingers.... 54481[/snapback] If you want a less nerdy answer. Just drag and drop the image onto your desktop and open it with a different program.
  11. Nah man. I work in West Brom and there won't be any trouble. I'll be drinking with the baggies fans beforehand and I've got hospitality tickets in a baggies section. They are usually no trouble at all. They have a nice small club mentality and they tend to save their animosity for the wolves.
  12. I'm gonna get it back you cunt. Sorry for the unnecessary agression but it is my only outlet
  13. I really hate this fucking shit. I can't look at pictures like this without thinking this could be someone like me. You read of fella's being attacked for either fuck all (like this bloke) or for telling scrotes to stop swearing in front of their kids and shit like that. Somehow this country has developed an acceptance for this shit and we just ignore it now. I saw this week that the girl charged for trying to hang a 5yr got nowt but a 1yr probation sentence. When did it become OK to be a cunt? I swear, I'm coming close to writing to the Daily Mail.
  14. I'm a generally all round cynical bastard and I can't figure out what the catch is with these new mobile phone tariffs. For example - a guy at my work pays £4.99 per month and gets a motorola razr and free minutes and texts. He has to pay £30 per month but gets a refund cheque for all but £14.97 each quarter. He has to pay the full £30 in month 12. As far as he says, it's a 12 month contract so at the end of the year he has paid £84.89 in total. Yet he has had free calls and a new phone. This doesn't make sense to me. Where are these companies making the money, or has he just signed his soul away or something. I hope it's the latter, because he's a cunt.
  15. If you were a bit weird you could have a wank whilst reading all of it!!! 32833[/snapback] C'mon, don't do Jimbo out of his job! 32835[/snapback] Sorry dudes, what did I miss ? I was busy knocking one out over Kelly Osbourne. 32838[/snapback] literally or figuratively?
  16. As much as I hate to join and argument late, what the fuck is this thread about? You can go through the entire Bad Taste thread and there are 3 comments on there that can be construed as racist. One of those is purely through the use of a pun. If you are going to insist on being a cock at least try to win semantic arguments. Using the word "black" or "chinese" in a joke does not make it racist. For something to be racist it must demean a race or use a racial term in a derogatory fashion. If you were arguing that there were generalisations that insinuate all muslims (not a race) are terrorists, you may have a point, but by falling back on the race issue you show yourself to be ill informed. The jokes in that thread are unpleasant, hence "Bad Taste" but unless you are basing this whole thread on the fact that one joke references the inability of ethnic minorities to read you should really find a new soapbox to shout off.
  17. 31500[/snapback] "Let's do "up on the roof" i said. but no, you had to pick "Under the fucking Boardwalk" didn't you!!!"
  18. Listening to the radio as I played on the computer, thought I'd come down and watch a famous victory in the last 20 minutes. Bollocks - I'm a jinx. Be thankful I'm not at SJP next week. 27723[/snapback] Any chance of us arranging a collection to buy you a middlesbrough season ticket. ( i don't think your skills would be needed at the mackems)
  19. 1-1 Gattuso. Can see them getting nothing now. Moldova won though so they they still have a chance in the group
  20. Is this not dependant on whether or not we keep any accounts in Euros? I would expect a large company dealing with business in Europe would always keep a large amount of Euros, purchased when exchange rates were favourable to allow us to compete on a better footing with other European clubs. If this was the case we could have secured him for as little as £8,400,000 if funds were secured at best rate. I'm not doubting what you've posted, just wondering.
  21. Without wanting to appear Souness' back door lover, loan deals are the best options for the club. Robert, Butt and Viana are not going to play any football for us unless there are major injury problems. All the football world knows we don't want them, hence the absence of anyone offerring reasonable money for them. If we can send them somewhere else and not pay them, we are getting a return of about £5 million in unpaid wages. We would still have them on contract and could sell them in a year. It has nothing to do with being short of money, it has everything to do with being sensible. These are not world class players who are coming back to haunt us, they are purely surplus to requirements or "bad eggs" in the frenchmans case. We want to be able to have one of the top 4 teams in the country and that is not the same as having the higest paid reserve team. Deal with it.
  22. Ah bless you all. You've got me reaching for my laminated "Girls Aloud - Legs Akimbo" (ahem) coffee table book. Why no Nathalie Portman? (circa Garden State not Leon before you get any ideas)
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