Turns out it's far easier to talk up a revolution from your armchair than it is to get off your arse and make it into the toon centre. If the match was re-arranged to 6pm we'd have an attendance of about 800 based on the turnout last night.
Did you see BC's face when he walked in and realised nobody else could be bothered to come - thought he was going to turn round and fuck off. To be honest he might as well have because he hardly said two words and didn't put up much of a fight when he was criticised for not telling the board officially that he'd resigned. If you can't get an ex board member to cause trouble knowing all the bad news then what hope have we got?
Not surprised that Chris Tuck got pissed off with the pompous twat near the front mind.
Can't believe that my £10 didn't even get me a cup of tea or coffee. Now I know that it's gone to ncj I'm not buying the Chronicle again.
Time to stop pissing about with NUST.
PP and TOM need to setup a supporters club. It's clear that you've got all the support from this site that you need.