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I ♥ Daddys Cock

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Everything posted by I ♥ Daddys Cock

  1. but not many bothering to support the cause
  2. Truth hurts though? absolutely gash squad and one game away from actually falling below the useless mackems. Times couldnt be worse for the newcastle supporters. Another full house v swansea was it?
  3. Seems like the teams luck has finally ran out and his quest for champions leage football this season was a bit of fantasy 2 away games coming up against very poor teams The geordie knives are being sharpened ready
  4. Champions league push is stuttering. Relegation material more like hahahahahahahah
  5. Here we go all the fucking pissy pant moron mags funny as fuck this You are a fucking joke team and shit at the same time. Pardew and his quest for champions league fucking hell man you be lucky to finishout of the relegation zone hahahah jesus !!! What a set of brainless morons Fuck off you absolute fat clowns
  6. most of the idiots on here scared to post when the match was on cos they labeled as non attendees hahahahaha
  7. They can when it involves 47 actually being bothered to turn up for one. I take it your another european windbag who didnt bother
  8. Another false attendance stat. Bet you sold out every home game last season aswell? oh and what about the 100.000 in Milan? fucking hell you just cant help yourselves 47 fans at a european match
  9. Its just funny that only 47 people could be arsed to actually go to a european cup game. No fucker else had any sort of urge to go . especially like the winbags on here. worst fans in the country by far. Even boro would have mustered up more than 47 you pathetic bunch
  10. Maybe the club should have put £20 coaches on with a few free cans of carlsberg lager and a a free XXXXXXL mag top to suit average newcastle fans
  11. Ah i get it now. Reason the geordie nation didnt go is because of the lack of hardcore fans. Well thats that cleared up
  12. I thought they might have been about 30,000 went with all the euphoria.
  13. The thread is about the embarrasssing 20 fans. rather the other 100,000 who couldnt be arsed to follow there team
  14. Bites? you mean its a total embarrassment to take 20 fans to a european game and inexcusable
  15. Maybe you cant afford to travel to a different country ? Can all the geordie nation please put there excuses below
  16. But only 27 Newcastle fans bothered turning up to follow there european return embarrassing
  17. Well said , now theres a mag who knows a decent player when he see's one
  18. Dont know why people slagging off Obertan he needs to play every week to get better
  19. Its going to be freefall into mid table , leapfrogged by the mackems and then back to the normal " average players who overperformed" "ashley out" "pardews poor tactics" Hahahahahah cant wait
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