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Everything posted by GeeForce

  1. If he is a free agent as long as they release his registration we could offer him a contract (I remember Notts County not releasing Sol's which stopped him joinging another club) however, we should not be trying to sign him and that is that. Waste of time and money and will completley remove the hard working mentality in the team
  2. I think the guy has completley lost the plot personally. If he manages to get through the rest of his life without commiting a serious, serious violent crime I will be shocked. Having said that, the guy has a quality lifestyle
  3. I think the racism argument is very interesting when it comes to football and Generations. I think personally that some people can be let off with racism and some cant. Fairly young lads like myself have no right to be racist. Been brought up in a society which does not alow it, simple as that. However, you must also remember that a lot of people who go to the games have been brought up collecting gollywogs and the like. Racism was casual and people got much less offended. It must be extremley difficult for these people to try and change the way they have been brought up and spent the majority of their lives. Now obviously if they are actively being racist, like part of the BNP etc they should be shot with shit, but the odd slip of the tongue, I don't know whether some people over react to this somewhat
  4. Wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. Doesn't turn up for training, gets pissed and argues with teammates. I will stick with Besty till the summer thanks.
  5. Hopefully off to Budapest end of March, anyone been and if so is it any good?
  6. Politics. Was full of people much cleverer than me who thought they were awesome because they knew the subject but in fact could only be classed as social retards. 7 hours a week, Uni amazing fun but academically it was a joke. If I was doing it now having worked in a proper job I would just treat it as a job and get a first piece of piss. Unfortunately I couldn't bring myself to do that at the time and ended up with a Desmond.
  7. It has probs put an end to our chances, but on the plus side, it makes it more unlikely for the mackems to be in it as well and that is a sight that would kill me.
  8. Ashley Young and Jack Wilshere cos then it might stop the little pricks whinging at refs for 98% of the time
  9. Sunderlands run in is probably better than ours. There next 4 are fine but after that they only play people currently below them I think.
  10. If, and its a very big IF the article has any truth he has asked for a 3 year extension. That means, 3 years on top of his remaining 18 months. He is 28 now, so a 4 1/2 year deal will take him to nearly 33. Even if he is willing to take a pay cut I personally think he is too old for a contract that length. He should be one 2/3 year contracts followed by the odd one year extension from now on. I can understand it with the younger lads but if his form dips again or if he gets himself in to trouble again it could be very costly. Don't get me wrong, he has been great this season but this club owes him nowt. We have stuck by him through thick and thin whilst paying him a fucking fortune. If I was the club I would not be offering 18 months plus a further 3 years!
  11. Current West Brom Midfielder James Morrisson. My best mate used to play in goal for Billingham Synthonia and saved a penalty on his debut. Does that count?
  12. Don't have a clue but that one with the white upside down toppy thing. WOWZER!!
  13. I am a fan of the tag line smell me and cum lol
  14. Would anyone actually buy this? http://www.vulva-original.com/gb/#/home/
  15. This is true, but when I look over the strikers we have I'm not particularly confident in their ability to score. They've done a decent job admittedly so far, but they haven't been convincing. It could dry up, or they could be spurred on.... Shola coming back will help. I'll admit you can't compare it to 2008/09 where we struggled to create chances let alone score. You must take in to account the fact that bar the blackburn game I would say we have taken our chances very well this season. I think you are being a bit harsh on the lads who although may not be desirable players are actually doing a decent enough job. Look at some other stirke forces in the pl, DJ Campbell at Blackpool has proved you can be shit and score goals in this league. Also, first half of the season best and lovenkrands did not get a look in so they must be given some playing time. I think they will see us through till the end of the season and we have enough to stay up, then re asses in the summer. Loverman may find its time to drop down but Best must be classed as a decent enough squad player and at his age some more premier league experience could see him imporve
  16. Tax man will have his say in April don't forget. Which is why we amortise our player assets to produce paper losses, so we can reduce the tax bill. Chez would you please explain amortisation to me? In thicko terms? From that link I have posted a few times, but no-one reads: "The concept of amortisation confuses many people, but it is simply how accountants handle player transfers. Instead of booking 100% of the player’s transfer price as a cost in the year of purchase, accountants treat players as assets, so the cost is capitalised and written-down (amortised) over the length of his contract. At the end of the contract, the player is considered to have no value, because he can then leave the club on a free transfer. It’s probably easier to understand with a real world example. Let’s take Fabrizio Coloccini, who was bought for £10 million in 2008 on a five-year contract, meaning that the annual amortisation is £2 million. After two years his net book value in the accounts is £6 million (the original cost of £10 million less two years amortisation at £2 million per annum)". Any idea how this works with players who have not cost you anything? Do they look at the worth of their contract instead of how much the player is valued at and then amortise from this point? If so, all the 5 1/2 yr contracts could point towards a potential sale, trying to build the value of the clubs assets from an accounting purpose higher than they are?
  17. Surely not. Bellers has hardly got a game this season through injury and even in the championship when he has played he hasn't set the world alight, his pace is starting to go and furthermore his wages will be 90k plus. Roque Santa Cruz has not scored a premier league goal in a year I believe (correct me if I am wrong) and was completely ineffective against us. Again wages will be 90k plus. Complete waste of time and money the both of them imo. Better options would be Podolski (currently at Fc Koln, wages are not massive as he has only ever played in Germany where I would asume they are significantly lower cos they only charge about £15 a game) and then I agree a bigger option. I really like the big man little man combo a la shearer and bellamy but I am struggling to think of a bigger option who isn't gonna cost the earth in wages. We might need a young'un off the continent
  18. Get down the park, drink a can of white lightening, smoke a bifta and finger a willing bird behind the sports hall. Fucking hell when I was your age I was in the pub every night trying to look 25 and pull birds. I certainly wasnt on the internetwang with loads of mid thirty year old blokes trying to be cool and failing miserably. Top post that mate although you forgot to add " then come back on here and tell us about it so we can all live vicariously through you"
  19. I said to my Dad after the Arsenal game we may as well enjoy the likes of Tiote and Enrique for the rest of the season because they are simply too good for us. We have to be realistic here. He will not go to Villa, he will go to Liverpool or Man U and regardless of what we think they are much bigger clubs than us, they are playing in Europe and will be next season, whether it is champions league or Europa League and they are much more attractive than us. It is nothing against the club or the fans but we simply can not compete at this level in our first season back in the top flight. The only hope we have of keeping them is to sneak in to a Europa spot which 7th should be good enough for I think and tbh I don't think we have a hope in hell of doing that.
  20. In years to come The Kings Speech beating Inception, Toy Story 3, Social Network and True Grit to all these awards will look like Forrest Gump beating Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption...or Driving Miss Daisy beating Do The Right Thing...an absolute aberration. Speaking of which, I didn't realise Sally Menke (Pulp Fiction editor) had died this year. RIP. Forgive me for being pedantic, but Shawshank didn't even get nominated. I agree with the point about Forrest Gump though. I'll never know how that won. I was talking about awards in general. Shawshank was nominated for an Oscar. No idea about it's Bafta nominations. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/awards Do The Right Thing wasn't, but I'm not really making a point about nominated films being robbed, just any films that were patently better in the same year. I liked The Kings Speech, but it's very run of the mill. I agree, it's good but it's no Incepetion. Or even Cool Runnings. Cool Runnings
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