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Everything posted by GeeForce

  1. Only a team who usually fails to fill the ground could gleam that as not bad going. Our home attendance for Liverpool at home a 5.15 I may add also on the tele was 50,137. Lets have a competition and see who wins Cling onto that all you want, it really doesn't bother me. The 15 & 19 points hit the club hard and I know people who swore to never go back, the final straw to some. Then you compare that to your recent history of CL football and top 5 challenges, higher attendances are no real surprise. At the end of the day we have 2 of the best home & away supports in English football so it's a pointless argument. Should be proud really that the NE gets such high attendances (excluding Boro) considering we've both won fuck all in 40/50 years. Only someone in second place ever usues the phrase top 2 or two of the best, you cling on to that all ya like sunbeam and be part of two of the best all ya like, just remember that we are in the top 1
  2. Surely a fucking head scout should go look at players the manager wants him to find, not him dictacting what the club needs? Surely his job is to discuss with the manager, althought the manager has the final say Scouts watch much more football and they are not just responisble for player recruitment but also potential changes in tactics. If the head scout sees a player he thinks would be superb, even if not specifically asked for someone in that position you would be very dissapointed if they didn't let it be known. Tbf a scouts job is to scout. He should have nowt to do with the day to so selection of players or tactics Selection of players not directly but in player recruitment he is involved in advising on strenghts and weaknesses of current squad and possible improvements, potential tactics and the way players will fit in against different opposition, of course that is part of his job. He he unearths a gem he must explain to the manager how and why he will fit in to the team (tactics) the manager can't be at every single game across the globe hence the delegation to coaches and scouts. Scouts play a big role in tactics, not just for up and coming fixtures but also player recruitment. Imagine the conversation from your point of view. Carr "ere pards this bloke is fucking mint" Pards "ok....what makes you say that?" Carr "well he looked a canny turn I watched him the other week" Pards "in particular what impressed you, how would he fit in, who would you see him as ahead of in our current set up?" Carr "Well a divn't naa that's ure job ya cockney twat"
  3. Surely a fucking head scout should go look at players the manager wants him to find, not him dictacting what the club needs? Surely his job is to discuss with the manager, althought the manager has the final say Scouts watch much more football and they are not just responisble for player recruitment but also potential changes in tactics. If the head scout sees a player he thinks would be superb, even if not specifically asked for someone in that position you would be very dissapointed if they didn't let it be known.
  4. My wife gets really annoyed when I use the word 'cunt.' I suppose she's got a point, I really should make the effort to learn her mother's real name.
  5. I think it means 651st in the world??? Forbes is a global mag. If he is a billionaire and there is only 32 billionaires he can't possibly be 651st richest lol
  6. Only a team who usually fails to fill the ground could gleam that as not bad going. Our home attendance for Liverpool at home a 5.15 I may add also on the tele was 50,137. Lets have a competition and see who wins
  7. This literally made me piss myself. I have never in my life seen anything so shit!
  8. comments like that have a nasty habit of rebounding on you. Unprofessional. Think what he meant was: young players that play the same style of football. Complimenting his style. He also said "it is good for him arsenal have time and no pressure to win titles quickly" Aye, I think this sort of thing can be lost in translation / due to the language barrier, especially as it doesn't seem like Guardiola's style to slag the opposition off. You reckon? Sounds like a quality put down to me He'll be able to say it again tomorrow when Barca win by 3 I actually hope it was a put-down because Wilshire is a cock CORRECT!
  9. Just bought some tickets for the away game against Villa. Allowing two per season ticket for this one so must be a big allocation. Went on sale today for those planning on going
  10. Had to bump this as it should be on at least the front page at all times for easy access
  11. Him being a geordie and leaving makes him even worse. I have a sneaky feeling it wont work out and we could see him back within 3 years. I will ike him if that day comes, but up until then he can fuck off and die for all I care
  12. one of the two biggest clubs in the country I hate journo's. Liverpool are defo not one of the two biggest clubs in the country. Haven't won the league in god knows how long.
  13. 12 MILLION for Whickham 4 MILLION on a sub right back Ben Arfa starting in a position we have never seen him play in? IF and its a big IF 40m was available I wouldn't spend it in that way. (I agree with both Huntelaar and Derdiyok but both would be out of our price range and have been linked with bigger clubs)
  14. I disagree with Brum being a shit hole. He plays for Villa, you have places like Cannock and Tamworth not 15 miles from villa park which have some very nice parts to them. Birmingham has a lot off nice countryside on the outskirts unlike London but you have a large city to go in to. Every city has its bad parts but for me it wouldn't be a bad area to live in (apart from the accent of course)
  15. I hope for the sake of mankind it is a spoof otheriwse we have a lot of serious nutjobs kicking about
  16. http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=45427
  17. What a complete prick. I have never heard a footballer whinging cos they didn't get any grub, its not like you can't afford your own douch-bag. Seems like he needs to learn a very quick lesson in life. I can see him retiring in a few years when he has decided he has enough money and doesn't give a shit anymore. If your manager teels you to jump you say how high, not no i refuse to do what you ask because you are not playing me. That ain't gonna help your situation bonny lad
  18. They will have to change. The majority of their first team will leave as they are on a wage cap of 10k a week and would get that in league 1. They will end up with utter dross next week but they may in turn fight hard for their place in the premier league. It will be intersting but i would expect to see a completely different side to this season
  19. Not a free agent that will ruin the whole squad. We are almost safe now so just need to wait till the summer and do something properly rather than chucking money at a has been who has no premiership experience and is a fat alcoholic. What do you think someone like him could achieve in the last 10 games of the season or is it that you have never actually seen or heard anything of this player
  20. I've only recently acquired the taste for White, having had some good stuff at the Mother-in-law's. I've started craving cock- coincidence? Superb banter
  21. Sounds hopeful but making no firm decision on Barton, Ameobi or Ireland til tomorrow training according to Pardew. It's wrong I am slightly excited at the thought of shola back to lead the line
  22. I would guess at a return for Guthrie tbh as he has not gone to forrest yet despite reports. I am not sure it is the correct decision but if that is the case I am guessing thats what we will do
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