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About safcforever

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  1. Don’t worry too much, you’ll be back to winning ways in 2 weeks, I’m certain
  2. Nah, I wish I could body pop. Such a talent
  3. It doesn’t make any sense. If the roles were reversed I’d be laughing at you like
  4. There’s always a small amount of fans that don’t like the current manager. most fans wanted him to stay.
  5. The owners are who they are, no amount of shouting at shops will change that 😉
  6. No idea. We’re a young team and finally have a decent structure, even if it is early days in that process. Maybe he spoke up too much to the people in charge. Who knows
  7. Hopefully you only have the league to worry about come the 2nd week of Jan 😉
  8. You had a great start to the group. Like someone else said, your time is coming and while it was good for you to be back there, maybe an other season or 2 and you’ll be in a much stronger position to have a good run at it
  9. haven’t wore a pair of them in years, now that Ashley doesn’t own you lot I might pick some up as a Christmas present to myself
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