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About Temuris_chrome_dome

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  1. needs a new name, a totally new start, a fresh and utterly open plan with no agenda or ego clouding the issue - it needs also to have direct and open contact with the club imho - it has to be by supporters, for the supporters with an olive branch to the club - there is a link that is missing from the club to fans - they just don;t get it sometimes but there are people within the club who do know this and would help i am sure - there are also those who would have their agenda that need to be involved and kept in the loop who would encourage and support and getting them all around the same table would be difficult but not impossible as NUSC very nearly did for a time NUST is now irrelevant to the rank and file but a solid supporters movement would not be Agree with all of that post I would just caution about taking the club side slowly. By all means make contact, introduce the club etc but lets concentrate on establishing the fan side first. I am sure you are right and their are personell where inroads to the club can be made but I think it wants to be down the road before they try starting to get meetings with Llambias. With regard to the name imo it just wants to be something simple like Black & White or Toon Army or Toontastic or NE1 or The Toon etc etc?? agreed about get it right with fans first - that has to be the crux of it - but not be shy from interaction with the club at the right time
  2. needs a new name, a totally new start, a fresh and utterly open plan with no agenda or ego clouding the issue - it needs also to have direct and open contact with the club imho - it has to be by supporters, for the supporters with an olive branch to the club - there is a link that is missing from the club to fans - they just don;t get it sometimes but there are people within the club who do know this and would help i am sure - there are also those who would have their agenda that need to be involved and kept in the loop who would encourage and support and getting them all around the same table would be difficult but not impossible as NUSC very nearly did for a time NUST is now irrelevant to the rank and file but a solid supporters movement would not be
  3. No; its a non-profit organisation with an unsalaried board. Some trusts do have salaried board members (MUST) but not NUST. To my knowledge the Rob Lee dinner is the first event that's specifically stated itself to be fundraising for their community projects. To be honest I'm quite happy for them to do that as I'd rather membership fees were just banked and saved for when they might come in useful for the Trust's primary aim. Holding individual events to fundraise for the other activities is a good idea as it stops the "that's not what I paid my dues for" argument. anyone going to the Rob Lee dinner should and will know where their money is going. will they??? i think they'll all, quite rightly, be asking the same questions and doubt that the agm will calm any doubts at all
  4. well its a start like. Its acknowledged theyve gone but arent saying which bits its take issue with. Ahhh the new media/ press team but surely that hasn't been amended already? hmmm
  5. its more like ceausescu - a cult of (non) personality they'll tell you how to think, they'll stop people saying what they don't want to hear by any means possible and then tell you its all for your own good because they know best and its democratic
  6. and there will be at least one more resignation forthcoming
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