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Tyne Bridge

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Everything posted by Tyne Bridge

  1. Fair play to CT I did hurriedly installed Beast 1.5 on my Amazon Fire Box and managed to watch the game in good HD albeit with a few stutters and buffering issues. I haven't really tried the TV and movies yet though. Just had Genesis on before.
  2. I used to love the FA Cup. Growing up as a young fan in the eighties there was always expectation, even though we were in poor shape as a club. What can we expect today? Expect to go out of both domestic cup competitions at the first hurdle. Expect to lose the Tyne \ Wear derby. Expect to sell if a player of he shows any true talent. Expect to challenge for mid table mediocrity year on year. Expect more Sports Direct banners.
  3. Different regime though. We weren't a marketing tool under Freddie Shepherd. We just need to avoid relegation, stay in the Premiership and the global advert for Sports Direct is transmitted across the planet every other week. Mike sits back and rubs his hands.
  4. Thanks, this may be better as it is more central. Would they have a problem with a party of 16 middle ages blokes?
  5. Yeah Tom. Bit of a hazy memory now but won it from scratch cards in the multi-packs of Coke. I was drinking gallons of the stuff at the time to keep me going as I was writing a dissertation through the night whilst working full time at Sainsbury's over an Easter break at university. Had to match a goal time with a famous WC winning goal printed in The Mirror. I nearly didn't win it as Coca-Cola kept phoning up and I thought it was a hoax caller as I had completely forgotten that I had entered! Great hospitality at the LAX Hilton, a trip to the LA sights, a trip to Disney and Warner Bros and World Cup closing Party at Universal Studios. Took a great deal of stick for wearing Newcastle top in the final - the mad, half cut Brazilians who we were seated with thought I was a Baggio \ Juventus fan.
  6. A trip to the World Cup in 1994 thanks to Coca-Cola. Semi Final, 3rd and 4th Place play off and Final. A Commodore Amiga thanks to John Menzies MetroCentre in 1990. A box of San Miguel at the local beer festival last year.
  7. Watched Gravity tonight. Very similar to watching Newcastle. A tense 90 minutes where everything that can go wrong does. This one does have a happy ending though unlike our season. No Sports Direct logos though.
  8. Any recommendations for a decent curry house, centrally located? Last time we were up we went to Akbars, and it was marvellous. Cheers.
  9. Evening Folks, I frequent this forum daily and love all your posts but don't really post myself as I rarely have anything interesting to offer! As life long Newcastle fan from Gateshead who currently resides in Hertfordshire, (the wife - if you were wondering). I will be be bringing my Veterans football team back home to Gateshead \ Newcastle in April and would appreciate any advice about restaurants and bars to frequent. We will be a 20 strong group of 35 - 50 somethings from Hertfordshire who just want a laugh, plenty of ale and to see the splendid city I keep banging on about. We were here 2 years ago but didn't leave the Central Station area and I feel that they should see the Quayside and Bigg Market but am open to suggestions. We have a couple of gamblers in the party who like a flutter into the early hours and few single blokes open, (or desperate), for any female attention. We have two fixtures lined up south of the river already but do need help with the entertainment. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  10. In real time this is far less of an incident than the media are making out. Too many mischief makers filling air time with vitriol. The player's actions are inflammatory but clearly Pardew should not react in this manner. However, I think the club response and a hefty FA fine and ban should be sufficient.
  11. Jo Nesbo Harry Hole books. Fast paced and non too tasking. I enjoyed The Passage by Justin Cronin for similar reasons.
  12. I remember Cambridge United away in the early-ninties, I was at Poly in the city at the time and had a spare ticket. Took an Asian lass, a flat mate, to the game and was embarrased by the racism. I stopped one lad, intent on giving Dion Dublin both barrels at every opportunity and he did apologise to my mate. Sadly, he continued for the rest of the game in the same vein. Bad times.
  13. Evening, I am looking for a bit of help. My over 35s veterans team are coming up to Newcastle for an end of season tour and being a Gateshead lad who has lived in Hertfordshire for the last 11 years, I have been charged with organising fixtures. We are looking to play on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th May 2011, (although we await confirmation from a team in Washington for the Saturday game). We will be based on the Quayside, although we will have access to a mini-bus and would be willing to contribute towards any costs of putting a fixture on. Ideally we would like to kick off on the Sunday around 12.00pm as we have to get home in time for work on Monday. We play weekly but are really a social side, who after a couple of nights in Newcastle, won't be up to much on the pitch come Sunday morning! If anyone plays for or knows of a side who would like a kickabout that weekend, I would be greatful if you can you let me know. Many thanks. Steve
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