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Everything posted by Anorthernsoul

  1. "Peak of the mountain" Narrowly scraping survival. Pua gerld marra.
  2. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jerry-stiller-dead-seinfeld-king-queens-actor-was-92-758216?fbclid=IwAR2V0Iypk34DyXzBVAlYT5filfteew4qRjoHW_w5wUhGF7tJwA7L_bq6ND0
  3. Philip Pullman. Johnson is announcing his new plans at 7pm on a Sunday night in a pre-recorded statement for one simple reason: The fridge-hider doesn't want to be held to account. He's completely bypassing parliament because he doesn't want opposition MPs to scrutinise his proposals. He's not even doing it during one of the daily Coronavirus briefings, because even the limited scrutiny of our largely servile and complicit mainstream media is too much for him to bear. And he's not giving a live speech, because his minders know that he's simply incapable of not going off on into dissembling waffler mode, and giving away the real agenda with a repetition of something like "take it on the chin", or his utterly bizarre 'superman of capitalism' delusions. Apparently he didn't even run his plans past the Tory cabinet before printing them up and pre-recording his glorious address to the nation, because he's so allergic to scrutiny that he won't even risk the possibility of mild dissent from his own damned government colleagues! Johnson and his inner circle of unelected hard-right ghouls are running the country like a tinpot dictatorship, where nobody is allowed to scrutinise, and the citizens are expected to eagerly tune in to listen to the latest pronouncement of the divine and unquestionable leader.
  4. The only way to fight Covid. https://mobile.twitter.com/vizjourno/status/1259189791150800899
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-52571038?fbclid=IwAR1jF52YS1-Fa1zUFavgIuLbSE3oKleqgJjzWsawWSfCTFZPCLhmXkBBH44
  6. The amount of street parties I've seen today flouting social distancing is an absolute disgrace, these same ignorant idiots will be out clapping the NHS every Thursday.
  7. https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/league-one-two-efl-season-4116094
  8. https://louderthanwar.com/florian-schneider-kraftwerk-rip/
  9. http://www.bntmedia.uk/RW2ZVm?fbclid=IwAR2YjQvkAjFC3by4t36xAok5_zBRlO0z0pr5z5hUqdiSOWxh2R6SqXaY7-Q
  10. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/health-coronavirus-britain-elderly/
  11. https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/939epz/naked-australian-man-wrestles-giant-python-to-save-his-kitten?utm_content=1588573622&utm_medium=social&utm_source=VICE_facebook&fbclid=IwAR2X6YvWfuZ4eGceIW7fyaTUtZKhGITG1gERS4afuMtf0FVr_bt156_ahu0
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