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Everything posted by Anorthernsoul

  1. 2k in my bank last summer, so I'm inclined to agree.
  2. I'd like to thank my family and friends who have supported me through this journey, and my fellow forum members who have enabled me to reach this milestone. It's been a pleasure, and here's to the next 4.5k.
  3. I'd play Shelvey then take him off when we've got a two goal lead.
  4. 14 nods is nothing short of laughable. People always cream their pants over musicals on screen, the film is nothing special really. The reason for the acclaim is the fact it flicks the nostalgic switch for many. It's a throwback to the golden age of Hollywood, and people have been swallowed up by retrospect.
  5. I'd rather read updates from Dennis Taylor rather than that split arse fool.
  6. Meltdown commences in T minus 5 minutes........... https://www.theguardian.com/football/live/2017/jan/24/transfer-window-live-blog-january-football-rumours-dimitri-payet
  7. He was on the local bike, she's called Andronika.
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/01/18/six-astonishing-things-betsy-devos-said-and-refused-to-say-at-her-confirmation-hearing/?utm_term=.7e57fdd5b806
  9. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/20/14338640/donald-trump-website-whitehouse-gov-speech
  10. Already signing Executive orders, ripping Obama's legacy to shreds.
  11. Brighton 1-1 with Sheff Wed, Brighton down to 10 men and Sheff Wed have missed a penalty.
  12. He will literally say ANYTHING and those gullible idiots swallow
  13. Just read that, fucking scary mate.
  14. I see they could be buying Lescott It just gets better
  15. This morning I spotted someone on FB was attending an anti Trump demonstration in town today, what a complete waste of time. He couldn't give a flying fuck about the protesters outside of his building in New York, he's hardly going to be arsed about a few numpties congregated around Greys Monument in their dinner hour.
  16. Cash for honours is alive and kicking stateside. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-york-jets-woody-johnson-donald-trump-us-president-uk-ambassador-a7536351.html
  17. The DVD screener has been online this week, planned to watch it tonight after I finish this painting.
  18. He's definitely had at least two reach arounds because of it.
  19. Is he for real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyOXW3_2THk
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