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Everything posted by NF4NUFC

  1. Hello there, I am a student of the Sports Management Master's degree at Northumbria University and am currently doing my dissertation researching the degree to which women fans of Newcastle United Football Club identify with the Club and their level of satisfaction with efforts made by the Club to 'connect' with its female supporters. I require responses from atleast 200 women for this study. If you consider yourself a fan/supporter of NUFC, it would be really great if you could give 8-10 minutes of your time to answer the questionnaire below. This survey does not require any personal details and therefore identity of respondents remains anonymous. Questions are quite straightforward and are to be answered from your own personal knowledge and experience as a fan. Please note, the web page allows just one attempt per PC. You can access the questionnaire at the link below: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NQSJ7KG In case you have any questions regarding the survey please feel free to contact me on neil.fernandes@northumbria.ac.uk. Thank you very much, Neil Fernandes MSc International Sport Management Northumbria University Newcastle Upon Tyne
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