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Thanks Toon for a wonderful game and occasion....all the best for Premiership glory !!.. BYE FOR NOW.....HOWAY THE LADS !!!
Not from 'The Reds' anyway....110% Guaranteed !!
The new Drainage system is working overtime !!...it's a fine night here !....Manchester Weather Centre says less Rain ! Bring it on !! haslingden says more however Im only in burnley you know, we share most weather I think its fair to say Burnley ??...I Thought that foul and abusive language wouldn't be allowed on this Forum !!
The new Drainage system is working overtime !!...it's a fine night here !....Manchester Weather Centre says less Rain ! Bring it on !!
That would be great for the Fans at 'The Crown' !
Saw the Pitch today !....It's OK !...Better forecast for next 24 Hours !!...Will you be there ??.
All this Stanley Fan can say is...OH DEAR !!!
We are the Geordies, the cock of the north We all hate s'land and boro of course We all drink whiskey and Newcastle Brown the Geordies boys are in town la, la , la la, la, la ACCRINGTON STANLEY 3 MACCLESFIELD TOWN 0 !!!!
I do hope you're recording it for subsequent DVD release. Full game ( with prior inane comments from Andy Gray !) on Sky Sports. Some enterprising rascal could record this, copy it onto DVD, and make an absolute packet across the North East !!.(Not wishing to encourage criminal activity amongst United Fans of course !!). I'm very happy you appear to acknowledge there's only one United Without wanting to ingratiate myself ... It was ever so LM...and I'm glad that the impendidg Game between our clubs has given me the opportunity to connect with some of it's fans!!
I do hope you're recording it for subsequent DVD release. Full game ( with prior inane comments from Andy Gray !) on Sky Sports. Some enterprising rascal could record this, copy it onto DVD, and make an absolute packet across the North East !!.(Not wishing to encourage criminal activity amongst United Fans of course !!). I'm very happy you appear to acknowledge there's only one United Without wanting to ingratiate myself ... It was ever so LM...and I'm glad that the impendidg Game between our clubs has given me the opportunity to connect with some of it's fans!!
And nowt's changed really Tuco !!... except the inbreeding has got much worse !!.
Most of the Fans I have spoken with expect this to be the case !!... a right load of Lanky Pessimists in this part of the world !!. All that I hope for is a great night for the supporters of both teams...a few quid in the coffers for The Reds...and that Mrs Y remembers to record it from Sky for posterity !!.
But Craig, that would surely dull my creative urges no end !....you should see me when I get going with my Images !!...WOW !!. But if it makes Yourself, JawD,,and the rest of the Toontasticophiles happy, then so be it !! The thrill has gone !!...but my Signature remains !!
Here's a review of Stanley's current form TP...if it will help with your team predictions... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ley/default.stm
It's already started PP !!... Tickets almost ALL gone !... Shirt Sales up (as you predict!)... A new Scarf mixing Stanley and Toon colours and Logos in the offing.... Commemorative Mugs,,,( which is what the losers of this game will be !)... and a surge of 'feelgood' about the Club and Town, which is sorely needed with our recent and current problems in mind !!... Ans all thanks to 'The Toon' !! ... as for myself ??.....Can't wait for it all to happen !. (But there's a little matter of Macclesfield Town on Saturday to consider yet !!)