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Ruler of Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Ruler of Planet Houston

  1. A Team was canny but it just had too much to live up to with the old series! I'd probably agree with that rating but I still can't tell Face and Murdoch apart!
  2. Anyhooo! I'm pretty sure you have to send a copy of the contract if requested. But that should be a good thing if the contract is legit! No doubt he probably voided his contract on several parts.
  3. Aye... and how in god's fucking name is that enforceable? When I was in Halls at uni, I lived in a 7 bed house - each with their own lock on the door. We ended up getting one license and keeping the TV in the communal kitchen. You probably don't ring any alarm bells and get investigated if the property has a license, but if some angry bastard wants to upset someone, they can just shop you all and apparently "they have ways of finding out!!!"
  4. He didn't...but usually the best way to shut up a moaning twat is to scare the shit out of them...like a legal sort of black mail
  5. "If you have a separate tenancy agreement for your room" own tv license required...lock or no lock! http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-...d-lodgers-aud2/
  6. It's up to the tenant to sort out their own license if they have a telly, computer or even a mobile phone. It is only the landlord (or main house owners) responsibility if she provided all of the tv equipment for the lodger as part of the deal without stating in the contract they should pay their own license fee. In most cases, the tenant usually has at least a mobile phone of their own or a laptop so they have to pay their own. So he can moan on for his £25 and then get shopped to the telly people for thousands!
  7. Not sure if you know this already, but a paying lodger is not covered by your TV license...they need their own. TV license evasion is a crime!!! Point that out to the twat then ask him if he really wants to continue his rant.
  8. I couldn't be happier with it. I bought the tripod and head for £151.95 (inc delivery) from cliftoncameras.co.uk - cheapest on tinternet for these models (apart from fotosense, but I wouldn't trust them at all) - Jessops do the two for around £180 if you want a well known shop, but clifton had the thing at my door within 2 days of ordering...champion! The tripod is the 190XPROB and the head is the 804RC2. Legs are dead sturdy, quick to set up, got a couple of foam pads on 2 legs so winter carrying is comfy, the center column slides up then you can put it at a right angle, the legs have 3 choices for how far apart the go so you can give it a good, wide stance if you are worried about it falling over. Good secure quick release plate and a couple of spirit levels - what more could you ask??? Pretty light and compact when folded down and it stands about 6.5 feet tall full extended. Compared to my previous rickety piece of crap, this is the dogs!
  9. This and a couple of filters...just waiting for the rain to stop so I can go out and play with them!
  10. Right handed...right grip! But I think geet fat blokes use neither...they have to put both hands flat on the wall in front of them. At least that's what they seem to do when I come across their kind in a pub bog, taking up the whole piss wall.
  11. Does anyone understand that badly dubbed foot odor advert where they mime along with "The feet...the shoes...the feet...the shoes!" but the camera seems to swith between the feet...the nose....the feet...the nose??? Does my napper in!
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