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Ruler of Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Ruler of Planet Houston

  1. It's not really one new act though...they promote their own acts throughout the finals that would otherwise be back to stacking shelves like JLS, take that etc... then they release albums for about 10 of the final 12 once they have nailed their christmas number 1. i.e. that nonce that dances like forest gump wailing out a stevie wonder classic, diana vickers and her cilla black warble, I'm sure stacey 'duh' solomon will have an album out...the list gaans on!
  2. Oh...and it's not just an entertainment show. It's one mans clever scheme to mould (mold?) the style and quality of British music and destroy the chances of good bands with real musicians being heard. Since the whole thing started music has taken a downward turn and it's much harder to find a good new band or song.
  3. I did. It's finished though. But I won't be watching it again. Crossed the line, they have!
  4. Because it's a disgrace to real musicians and needs more people to realise the pathetic tricks they use to make any twat sound half decent.
  5. Sad I know...but I am watching X factor and I am convinced they have autotune on the mics on a couple of acts. The strange thing is, it seems to be on the crap acts. The crap duo that did don't stop believing - the lass defintately had autotune on and the black moron that chanted 'Mercy' had it as well. What a load of shit!!!!!!!!
  6. Black people do have a different tone to their voice and there are always going to be some white people that sound black and some black that sound white, just as there are some men sound like women and some women sound like men when they sing. It has nothing to do with the colour of their skin, but the physical structure of their body, nasal passage, throat etc... i.e. if you paint a black (I mean real african like black) man white, he won't look like a normal white person. The physical proportions are different which is why Lenny Henry had to add a prosthetic nose in that crap film to make his nose more pointy and white-like. Nostril size, mouth size, tounge shape etc... all contribute to tone of voice and in general you can tell a persons colour by hearing them sing. Black men usually have a powerful, round, warm tone where white men have a thinner, sharper and less powerful tone. You usually find that a big round warm tone on a white man comes from an unusually large framed bloke, larger head e.g. Meatloaf. It's not racist to make a distinction between a black singer and a white singer...it's no different to distinguishing between short, tall, male, female etc... That's my view anyhoo
  7. They are going to have to eventually come up with an A* version of the sex offenders register soon.
  8. I disagree with putting him on the sex offenders list...only because it decreases the power of the register. When kiddie fiddlers and rapists were the only ones on the register it meant something...putting every little issue like this on devalues the whole thing.
  9. This got me thinking...Maynards are on thin ice with some of their product names like!
  10. I find it cheaper and much more convenient to simply think of the song I feel like listening to. Sometimes I think about it being ultra clear and loud as hell!!!
  11. Up in where? That's the best thing you can do at this point...think. Don't rush into anything. You work at maccies so you won't end up on the dole. You can afford to take your time, even if it means missing out on college/uni this year. And if you want any advice on computer programming type career stuff, I'll advise you from my own experience.
  12. Do you even know if computer programming is for you? You may hate it.
  13. I did the same. That's why I continually advise the youth to enjoy their time as a debt free school kid, don't stress about exams etc... Probably the same reason I was given the advice when I was a teen. I know hundreds of people that went to uni and I only know 2 or 3 that have a job related to their degrees.
  14. That proves my point! You only want to go to uni to avoid the dole - although getting a job/career would do the same thing, but you want to avoid that scary prospect too. Wouldn't say that's true of everything like. If he goes and takes a Business degree, fair enough but some jobs you need to have University qualifications, be it degrees or masters. My post before that sort of covers that. There are some jobs that require recognised qualifications, but surely it is best to know which job you intend to pursue before getting a qualification in something else.
  15. And you made the same mistake we all made! You have your degree(s?) before you knew which degree you actually needed. It's the system! They all try and push people into education without letting them choose their life first.
  16. That proves my point! You only want to go to uni to avoid the dole - although getting a job/career would do the same thing, but you want to avoid that scary prospect too.
  17. I'm offering my advice as an adult that has been where you are now and learned from it. I would only ever advise people to take their exams seriously if they intend to pursue a specific line of work which requires it. i.e. becoming a teacher or learning a trade such as electrician or plumber. If you don't really know what you want to do (as most teens don't), then you are wasting your time. You will probably be sent back to college to do a relevant subject for the job you eventually get. 16 year olds very rarely know exactly what career they are going to settle for. Most go to college just as a step because society runs that way...to kill a couple of years leaching from their parents and avoiding the real world. Some even plan on going to uni for another 4 years to avoid the real world for even longer and reap the student benefits. Then at the end of their student years, they get a job stacking shelves and work their way up the ladder to floor manager or something - and the same day they got their first job, a 17 year old got the same job with straight D's. Do you know what you want to do? Have you experienced life enough to make that decision yet? I was adamant I was going to be a copper and went through all the procedures for a couple of years then failed the eye test. That was out the window - and I am bloody glad too. What a shite job that would have been! And looking back, I only wanted to be a copper so I could ride a police bike - the priorities of a young teen eh?
  18. Take it on the chin lad! Don't resit a thing. Don't waste any more time on schools and just get a job with some real world experience. They won't even ask your grades at your interview. They don't care!
  19. Aye, mine too. Like a shit 'This is your Life'. Should start a "scan and post your personal statement" thread!
  20. It pretty much is identical to the Tufnell argument as HF says. No matter what they say, it's just daft and pointless! Tufnell could get away with it because he wore a skeleton vest though.
  21. I'm sure if they did away with the leap year we wouldn't notice any difference. If it was bang on with snow in the winter, sun in the summer etc... mebbies. But it snows in mid summer and is sunny in the autumn these days so just scrap that extra day and be done with it!
  22. I have to say though...regardless of what marks I got in school or college, I have never had to tell anyone what I got nor has anyone ever asked! I remember my first job interview, fresh out of school when I took my fake red leather record of achievement along with me. I got a funny look for having it in my hand, it was never looked at and I never took it out again. Education? What a load of old shite!
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