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Ruler of Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Ruler of Planet Houston

  1. Just found this! Canny! http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/07/m...con_guitar.html
  2. I don't do weddings any more - duo split up a few months back so now I just have the odd bit mess on in my guitar room. But if you put together a good band, keep it tight, professional attitude and do the right networking/advertising it can be a decent living.
  3. My gear: And here are few snippets from a desk recording (hence the 'not so good mix/sound') at a gig in my old duo: http://mintduo.co.uk/music.php
  4. The motorbike gang just regained my interest...one more episode then!
  5. It just gets worse. I think I'm done with it now. Shame!
  6. Eating meals together at a table Gas powered barbecues pooperscoopers
  7. I thought they were the best bit. Takes me back to 'the hill' days
  8. Well it's 10 gig! It's up to you if you think it's loads or not. What do you do on tinternet?
  9. All the marvel films now include bits at the end where other super heroes show up and talk about a hero team being set up. There's going to be a film coming out that includes all of them. Thought the first hulk was much better personally like. The music and screen splitting got on my wick in the first one...along with Jennifer Connolly bringing doom and gloom to every film she's in (apart from labyrinth).
  10. Watched Incredible Hulk last neet...it was alreet. Better than the last crock. Although I didn't like the end much. Did 'tother monster die?????? What the sam hell was Iron Butt ranting on about?????
  11. I bet if you told him to sign otherwise you will have to resort to renting it out to students he'd soon get his pen ready
  12. Sounds like you just made a mistake, not realising you couldn't sell it freehold without signed consent from the others. By my understanding, that would make it you that has to return the deposit. But, if the auctioneer didn't include any terms in the contract that said you are 'agreeing you have a right to sell the freehold', then they can't do anything to you i.e. your contract with them is fine and upheld. Otherwise, you will probably still owe them fees. DON'T stop paying anyone - you aren't in the shit enough yet to take that route. The bank will not just take the property out of your life and slap your wrist, they will hound you with debt collectors for months or years until eventually declaring you bankrupt...then take it, along with anything else that makes up what you owe them (which will be a hell of a lot more than the house is worth or what you owe now because the years they chase you, they will be adding masses of interest and legal fees on top. Go to a 'specialist property' solicitor for a free half hour interview and see what they can offer you.
  13. My full driving license still has a photo of a 14 year old on it.
  14. Ah! Balls! I just bought that DVD yesterday and was gonna watch it the neet!
  15. It's normal for them to 'not bother' - read this the other day: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13...ur-4-years.html
  16. Just been watching some videos of Remi! Good stuff! http://www.nimportequi.com/en/
  17. Was that not Scooby Doo in the Mystery Machine?
  18. Yeah I was recommended canon by someone who knows their stuff... They said that there's not really much difference between them and Nikon tho, just comes down to personal preference really as both are similarly excellent. Gotta wait 5 days for delivery tho so thats gonna be a killer! Got a great deal on it mind... £320 brand new Brand New with a lens??? Where from?
  19. He reminds me of a grown up, chocolate covered version of that old baby picture...
  20. Same thing happened up here yesterday afternoon...reet in the middle of working on something!
  21. For £200 that's a cracking machine! I am planning on building a mame arcade from scratch when i get a bit time. I remember seeing this though http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/iCade.shtml and although it was an april fool, it's very possible and really easy to do. I jailbroke my iphone and stuck mame on it. You can control the phone by pairing a wii remote which should be getting added to the mame iphone app soon so it's just a case of building a box, pulling the innards out of a wii remote and getting an ipad (or a big magnifying glass for the iphone....in fact, I will stick to plan A - the PC full size one! 'tis cheaper!
  22. Coldpl... I mean Joe Satriani - if I could fly!
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