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Ruler of Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Ruler of Planet Houston

  1. Did you try disabling your anti virus software to see if it still happens?
  2. I'm selling my Vetta Combo and floor board now - advert is in the classifieds bit http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...c=28412&hl=
  3. I enjoyed that...but it was a bad attempt at ripping off the Running Man
  4. FOR SALE: Line 6 Vetta 2x12 Combo & FBV floor controller (twin pedals) for sale. It is the Vetta I cab with Vetta II software i.e. exactly the same as a Vetta II apart from how it looks. Cab has a few dings/scratches from years of gigging, hence the price, but it is still in 100% perfect working order - barely even used the speakers as I always used D.I. through the PA. Pilot Handbook included. £799 o.n.o. near Hexham, call Dean on 01434 221 297 or email me at admin@deanzod.co.uk
  5. I use firefox, ONLY because of the developer plugins but I would gladly stick with chrome if I could. FF is the only thing in the whole wide world that actually crashes on my mac. IE should be destroyed, safari is probably second to chrome, netscape, opera, flock etc... are pretty bollocks.
  6. Would the new cookie not be an updated version each time you visit so it wants to override the old one - hence asking for permission each time? Some of the activity is stored on the forum database such as which posts you've read and when, but the last time you clicked "view new posts" will be stored in the cookie and will have to be overwritten each time. You should check your antivirus software and make sure that it isn't doing some sort of cookie clear out every now and then. You might have to add IE8 as an exception or summit!
  7. I would normally do the family thing, go out with the woman etc... this year I'll probably do bugger all, get myself a bit of flu or something and watch scrooge on the telly.
  8. Just watched the new Robin Hood...why the fuck do they have to go so overboard in Hollywood??? The 'legend' was about a quiet little, young thief in Nottingham, so they make it about fucking Maximus...leader and sole reason that England survived an invasion from France. Straight away, shoving him into 'recorded history' instead of leaving him as a legend. And where's he meant to be from? He had all the accents...manc, scouse, irish, cockney, australian, fake English (like Kevin Whately, Denise Welsh etc...) and all these peasants could read and speak 2 languages!!!! What a fucking liberty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (It was a canny film though, if you pretend it has nowt to do with Robin Hood and is more like a descendant of Gladiator)
  9. The telly is crap tonight. Are either of them two films worth watching or should I get pissed instead?
  10. Surely the words "Work" and "Holiday" contradict each other? You can do one or the other.
  11. Everywhere is shit for different reasons! You just have to decide which shit you prefer to live with.
  12. "As I was feeling ill I couldn't face eating anything myself. I sat with the children as they ate theirs." - hmmm "Her comments made me feel ill once again as there was no indication as to where the tail was," - in the children's bellies?
  13. Also, on the second hand market you might not get what you think. A bit of sand paper and some of these on a squire could fool a few people: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6-set-FENDER-Headsto...=item41530f4af0
  14. Not always the case...my first leccy guitar was a Japanese Squire Strat and it was much better than my current Fender Strat. I ended up selling it after about 5 years for more than it retailed at and it would still fetch over a couple hundred quid. Wish I had kept it! Sometimes the build of a cheap guitar can be amazing, you just might need to replace a few bits of cheap hardware like machine heads or trem. Play it first, then decide if it's good. Don't just trust in a name.
  15. It's a classic! Although he is exactly the same character/personality in every film he does. Just watched the remake of The Wicker Man t'other night. Was alreet I suppose. Run Fatboy Run was good stuff though!
  16. Shame he can't play it very well though.
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