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Ruler of Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Ruler of Planet Houston

  1. Yeah Paypal is probably your best bet. Virtual terminal, £20 per month + 3% (ish) transaction fee
  2. I have found a few that are available - anyone know which ones are good? Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Battlefield 2142 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
  3. Grave Mistake (and I think it was) - written by, directed by, effects by, starring, produced by etc... the same bloke! 10/10 for shitness though.
  4. I don't do much with games but I enjoyed my time on Fallout 3 on my PC and like things like Call Of Duty and Sniper Elite. Other than those, I haven't played games since the likes of vietcong & wolfenstien on 56k dialup. Anyhoo...I always hated the fact I had to compromise on the game quality settings on my PC and could never just set everything to full-quality and just thought, I'm sure my mac could handle any game on the market at full quality with great ease, but are there any worth getting (going off my taste in games above)? I would like something that pushes my computer to its limits rather than something old requiring a pentium 100 with 512k ram. Can't seem to find any with downloadable demos.
  5. Do a safe boot and then choose your startup items for a normal boot - just make sure you don't start up the tablet software then take it from there.
  6. Most pcs these days have the recovery disk as a little partition on the hard drive, so it might be a case of hitting f8 or f2 on startup to run it
  7. That's what I thought. So whatever way he Normally mucks on with his tables, he should have a method for setting a default.
  8. Well how do you normally edit your database(s)? I would presume SQL server enterprise manager is just another graphical interface for managing SQL databases? It sounds to me like you just have to set a default value for that table column
  9. I got as far as level 8 before I got bored. It's mostly just crappy basic javascript.
  10. It's proof he didn't die!!! Notice how he dies and coincidentally some illegal immigrant is masquerading as a woman in our country not long after? Nice try Arnold!
  11. Yeah. It will be a setting. Most AV software has a setting where it will clear cookies and cache from your browser either at specified intervals or on startup/closing the browser. Disabling the whole thing is usually easier than finding the setting - then if it works you know it's worth hunting for the setting.
  12. I'll say it one last time...it's your anti virus software
  13. The Expendables - a collection of the worst actors in history with bad facelifts and seemingly no real plot. I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable watching Sly talk through that pumped up face with "just for men" beard. I fell asleep! 0/10
  14. a joke? What does it do? Another joke? It's a guitar amp with built in effects. Amp modelling...basically it's 2 advanced pod xt's built into a 100watt combo so it gives you all the sounds of the xt plus more along with the ability to mix two separate amps and cabs on one guitar e.g. you can have a clean, classic amp and a distorted metallica type sound then put them together or split them between left and right and fade between them with the pedals, do proper harmonising that actually sounds like 2 guitars and change the intervals using the pedals etc... It pretty much does everything! Sounds here: http://line6.com/vettaii/sounds.html
  15. no ? Well try it then! It's a very common problem...AV software purging cookies every hour or so.
  16. Look at the kid taking a dump next to the camera man
  17. You could have picked the final 12 (definitely them two bints) during the first round. It doesn't matter how shite they are in boot camp and the houses, they were already pre-selected to go through from the moment they got the phone call from the program telling them "we strongly suggest you audition in this years x factor....you won't regret it! You will be on the live shows and then it is down to your popularity in the press whether or not we rig the voting and winners song for you. ssshhhh!!!"
  18. I hope you aren't suggesting that Cheryl Cole does a good job of the adverts!!!!! "limp, leeeyfless.....Sheeeeiine"
  19. What the hell was Cheryl Cole doing wearing a potato sack?
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