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Ruler of Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Ruler of Planet Houston

  1. Aaargh! I desperately want it (still got a geet big horrible CRT monster telly) but I will have to wait and see what work is like - things are just ticking over at the minute, but hopefully a decent sized job will come in soon where I can feel happy about spending money on a luxury!!!
  2. If it is her (and I am convinced it is) she has a new image now...a sort of mad max 2 thing. Last week she was wearing red tights, boffa boots and denim shorts and has some strange hair style going on...like it got stuck in a lawn mower - but she still looks good!
  3. I believe the real motivation is the glamour model bending over the pool table at the local boozer
  4. It's been too long since I came round your way for a pint, we should sort something out. Aye! It's probably easier to get you to be an eyewitness than it is to take a photo without getting punched. As you know...every weekend is fine by me. You still have to see the new gaff
  5. This one - I will have to take a closer look at her this weekend and see if I can sly a photo with my phone
  6. One of those girls just moved into a flat a few doors from me...temporarily - she's moving back to her own country later this year I think though. At least I am pretty sure it is her...she is in my local pub every Friday neet!
  7. It's exactly the same on Valkyrie. Mr Cruise makes no attempt to put on anything other than his normal US accent because in reality, he would have had to speak fluent German all the way through. But everyone said it was an act of genius in doing so! Exactly the same only US instead of Brit!
  8. Is that Denzil off Only Fools and Horses?
  9. Cracking film that. Why does this get slated for discarding the native tongue and adding subtitles, yet Valkyrie (which is shit) gets applauded for doing exactly the same?
  10. The one in Snatch? Don't know if it's accurate but it is funny! Can't remember what it was like in The Devils own though
  11. The worst ever has to be that woman in "Ronin" trying to speak Irish!
  12. My old man used to do it for next directory and made around £300-£400 per week (70p per parcel) and he was always finished work by noon. Whenever I stood in for him it would take me until about 9pm to finish the round. In other words, the first month or so will be tough but once you learn the area and arrange the parcel drop order it's a doddle. He did used to get paid for collecting unwanted parcels too though, so sometimes he'd drop one off and pick one up at the same time. Don't know if the same goes for DHL.
  13. It says I have a great sex life! I thought I didn't have one at all!
  14. Try going to device manager (system) and right click on your graphics card there and if I remember right there is an option to check for latest driver. Failing that, try shutting down, then connect your tv, then reboot so it recognises the tv straight away and it might detect its available settings.
  15. Did you install the latest drivers for your video card? Might have just set a basic driver up if you did a full reinstall of your os
  16. I'm afraid the standards can't go up from here. It's always gonna be lower!
  17. Just do a search on gumtree http://www.gumtree.com/london/43/72914943.html Ah..he beat me to it with the gumtree thing!
  18. I loved them all!!!! I was a proper kids tv freak! Fantastic Max, T-bag, Simon & the witch, johnny briggs, benji zaxx & the alien prince, pugwall, jossy's giants, potsworth & company, He-Man, D&D, thundercats - they were all great in them days!!!!!!!
  19. The only difference is the extra 6 strings - and the reason being the different sound produced.
  20. Last time I had a 12 string I spent more time tuning it than playing it. Don't know if it was just that particular guitar or if all 12 strings are a pain in balls
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