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Hello everyone. please, enter this link- http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark?po...065a99ada5e24b0 and vote for the best 10 Football club teams in history. my best 10 are: Real Madrid 56'-60', Milan 89'-90', Ajax 95', Ajax 71'-73', Liverpool 77'-78', Santos 62'-63', Bayern 2001, Inter 64'-65', Real Madrid 2002 and Juventus 85'. now vote for your 10 thank's for participate
So, dudes, the poll came to an end and all I get to say is wow!!! here are the final results for the top 10 club teams of all time: #1. Celtic 67' #2. Liverpool 77'-78' #3. Milan 89'-90' #4. Real Madrid 56'-60' #5. Manchester United 99' #6. Ajax 71'-73' #7. Arsenal 2004 #8. Ajax 95' & Bayern Munich 74'-76' (a tie) #10. Real Madrid 2002 honourable mentions: #11. Bayern Munich 2001 #12. Juventus 85' & Manchester United 68' (a tie) I would like to thank you for your participate and wish you a nice day.
So.... here we are. 1 day from the finish, and the situation is: #1. Celtic 67' #2. Liverpool 77'-78' #3. Real Madrid 56'-60' #4. Milan 89'-90' #5. Man Utd 99' #6. Ajax 71'-73' #7. Arsenal 2004 #8. Ajax 95' & Bayern Munich 74'-76' #10. Real Madrid 2002 honourable mentions: #11. Bayern Munich 2001 #12. Man Utd 68' #13. Nott' Forest 79'-80' while Juventus 85' is 1 vote far from enter to the honourable list, so the fight is very close. *tommorow, I will come with the final results of this poll. have a nice day!
Current situation of the top 10 list, here are the rankings right now: #1. Celtic 67' #2. Liverpool 77'-78' #3. Real Madrid 56'-60' #4. Man Utd 99' #5. Milan 89'-90' #6. Ajax 71'-73' #7. Arsenal 2004 #8. Ajax 95' #9. Bayern Munich 74'-76' #10. Real Madrid 2002 and the honourable mentions as for now: #11. Bayern Munich 2001 #12. Nottingham Forest 79'-80' & Man Utd 68' while Juventus 85' are 1 vote far away from this honourable list.
So.... last 3 days remaining for the poll, and the situation is very interesting. the leading top 10 teams haven't changed, but the rankings are changed everyday and the fight is very thought. here is the current ranking for the top 10 teams: #1. Celtic 67' #2. Liverpool 77'-78' #3. Real Madrid 56'-60' #4. Man Utd 99' #5. Milan 89'-90' #6. Ajax 71'-73' #7. Arsenal 2004 #8. Bayern Munich 74'-76' #9. Ajax 95' & Real Madrid 2002 this is the current list of the leading 10 teams and I don't see it to be changed, since the other teams are far from them. now... few honourable mentions: #11. Bayern Munich 2001 #12. Juventus 85' & Man Utd 68' in the honourable mentions spot, ther is also a very thought fight, while Teams like Inter 64'-65' and Nottingham Forest 79'-80' are very close to Juve 85' and ManU 68'.
so... here is the updated situation for the top 10 right now: #1. Celtic 67' #2. Liverpool 77'-78' #3. Real Madrid 56'-60' #4. Ajax 71'-73' #5. Milan 89'-90' #6. Man Utd 99' #7. Arsenal 2004 #8. Bayern Munich 74'-76' #9. Ajax 95' #10. Real Madrid 2002 a tought one, evethought the the top 10 list haven't changed.
I will never forget the 90's! I really think that was the deacade with the best teams in history.
Hello everyone. please, enter this link- http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark?po...065a99ada5e24b0 and vote for the best 10 club teams in history. my best 10 are: Milan 89'-90', Ajax 95', Ajax 71'-73', Liverpool 77'-78', Real Madrid 56'-60', Santos 62'-63', Bayern 2001, Juventus 85', Inter 64'-65' and Real Madrid 2002. now pick your 10 thank's for participate in my poll!
the poll is about to be closed, dudes. next week it's over. so you get the last few days to vote.
so, here is the situation for right now. top 10: 1. ManU 99' (83 votes) 2. Ajax 71'-73' (72 votes) 3. Real Madrid 56'-60' (70 votes) 4. Milan 89'-90' (67 votes) 5. Real Madrid 2002 (66 votes) 6. Arsenal 2004 (59 votes) 7. Ajax 95' (58 votes) 8. Liverpool 77'-78' (52 votes) 9. Bayern Munich 74'-76' (52 votes) 10. Milan 2003 (40 votes) many teams from the 70's and 90's in the top 10. by the way, the 90's are my favourite years in Football. I think that was the decade with the best teams!
the situation right now is: 1. Manchester. U 99' (59 votes) 2. Ajax 71'-73' (58 votes) 3. Milan 89'-90' (57 votes) 4. Real Madrid 56'-60' (56 votes) 5. Ajax 95' (51 votes) 6. Real Madrid 2002 (50 votes) 7. Liverpool 77'-78' (44 votes) 8. Arsenal 2004 (41 votes) 9. Bayern Munich 74'-76' (39 votes) 10. Bayern Munich 2001 (34 votes) very tought and very close one, as you can see. keep on voting.
the current top leading 10 are (in order) 1. Ajax 71'-73' (45 votes) 2. Manchester United 1999 (45 votes) 3. Real Madrid 2002 (39 votes) 4. Ajax 95' (38 votes) 5. Real Madrid 56'-60' (38 votes) 6. Milan 89'-90' (36 votes) 7. Liverpool 77'-78' (31 votes) 8. Bayern Munich 74'-76' (28 votes) 9. Arsenal 2004 (28 votes) 10. Bayern Munich 2001 (27 votes)
as for now, the poll's advancement is very nice. something around 70 voters, and it's just for the start! keep on good work, dudes.
as for now, the poll's advancement is very nice. something around 70 voters, and it's just for the start! keep on good work, dudes.
best 10 for me are: Milan 89'-90', Ajax 95', Ajax 71'-73', Liverpool 77'-78', Real Madrid 56'-60', Real 2002, Bayern 2001, Santos 62'-63', Inter 64'-65', Juventus 85'.
hello everyone. please, enter this link- http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark?po...065a99ada5e24b0, and vote for the best 10 club teams in history of Football. it's a poll I have made. later I will pick my best 10. thank's for participate.
the poll is about to be closed, mates. so I want to thank you very much for your participate. by the way, it's the very last chance to vote, for members who haven't vote yet. regards.
As for now, the leading 10 are (in this order): 1.Real Madrid 56'-60' 2.Ajax 71'-73' 3.Milan 89'-90' 4.Ajax 95' 5.Manchester United 99' 6.Real Madrid 2002 7.Bayern Munich 74'-76' 8.Liverpool 77'-78' 9.Inter 64'-65' 10.Juventus 85'
my best 10 are: both Real Madrids, both Ajax teams, Milan 89'-90', Liverpool 77'-78', Bayern 2001, Santos 62'-63', Inter 64'-65' and Juventus 85'. keep on voting for your best 10....
by the way, it's a poll that I have made by myself, so I wann'a thank everybody that will participate.
Hello everybody. please, enter this link- http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark?po...065a99ada5e24b0, and vote for the best 10 club teams in history of Football. later I will pick my best 10. thank's