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Posts posted by vinnieq

  1. Wouldn't up to speed on that fella. Heard the name tho...


    Just made another lovely little side-bet with two suckers at work.... €5 on B-Arfa to score tomorrow.. Them betting against..

  2. Seems a no-brainer to put Ben Arfa in from the start for me. Routledge was fairly bad even in the Villa game. Watched it again and he created absolutely nothing, every single cross was either blocked or heading to no-mans land. And when he didnt cross he tried moving along the box and was disposessed easily by Villa every time.


    Looks like its the end of the Routledge career revival so...

  3. Sky sports haven't got a fucking clue.


    I reckon big Chris will go for the same team, with Barfa to come off the bench for 25 minutes, then he'll go home and give his missus a rusty trombone.


    He said he's not hada chance to look at Tiote yet, so bench at best. Sol has only played 2 halves of football in 2 reserve games. He's a week and/or a Collo fuck-up away from starting IYAM.


    Safest bet for win would be the same team as usual then bring B-Arfa in with half hour left.

  4. Safe as houses bet this weekend works out about 2/1


    Rangers 2/5 - Hamilton have lost three games 4-0 this season

    The Toon 4/7 - we will win

    Man City 1/3 - Mancini probably sacked if he doesn't


    Couldn't possibly be more dafe this bet in my view


    I don't think Mancini will grow, I think early sackings are a "no-no" in the Owners' handbook these days...

    Tell that to Kevin Blackwell.


    Don't know him..

  5. Safe as houses bet this weekend works out about 2/1


    Rangers 2/5 - Hamilton have lost three games 4-0 this season

    The Toon 4/7 - we will win

    Man City 1/3 - Mancini probably sacked if he doesn't


    Couldn't possibly be more dafe this bet in my view


    I don't think Mancini will grow, I think early sackings are a "no-no" in the Owners' handbook these days...

  6. Disappointing really, probably ineveitable after the hype. For me the whole cohesiveness of the gang was implausible and the plot was horribly contrived. Some of the dialogue was awful (e.g. the cringe inducing nostalgia shared by Lol and Milky on the hospital roof). Also:


    Weren't Meggy and Banjo neo nazis in the film? Going to have a hard job explaining how Milky has forgiven them.

    What the fuck has happened to Smell? She looks like something from a fantasy horror.

    Why was the hospital completely deserted? Couldn't they afford extras?


    There was also little sense of the time period involved and criminally there was very little use of sound tracks or historical references (the WC in Mexico was barely alluded to).


    On the positive side Shaun was believeable and the lava lamp scene was amusing.


    In conclusion, hope this improves but not now really looking forward to the rest of it.


    Roof scene was cringeworthy.. The main fella annoys me a little too. He's just 'over-the-top' sound sometimes.


    Loved the show tho, in all. Well paced. Doubt it was the same script-writer tho.

  7. 105. im shocked.


    Officially an Eire legend now though. :lol:


    He's our most capped player of all time :lol:


    Given should over take him one day though.


    and there he goes and gets a goal for us, typical


    There was one season for Everton where he was good tho.. When they had Marcus Bent up front, that bald midfielder in the middler(what's his name) and they were playing a 4-5-1. It was the best i saw Everton. Less reliant on free kicks. Had a good system on the wings...


    Still don't know how he's most capped. The Cascarino head on em!

  8. When Wise was appointed, i was thinking the same as i think of this situation...


    He's an ideal backup, if McDonald starts getting stick. They can say then "Oh you know what, we've a fella on our roster here that's managed a team before. We'll get him to fill in for a while"


    It sounds like the players there want McDonald to stay. So maybe, that's the reasoning behind it.


    Staunton tho...!! That has to be a piss-take!

  9. Irelands better Stevie catch a grip(although i'm not saying we're any use these days...sniff I miss McGrath and Quinn)


    Kenny millers double figure tally includes 6 goals against the Faroe islands/Lithuania from what i remember and a quick stats check gives us...

    Miller 11 in 47

    Doyle 9 in 34.


    i'm not saying doyle is a goal machine, but he has a reasonable return considering the job he gets asked to do, chasing things down and holding up the ball, and to be fair to him for not exactly being big he does it quite well.

    Scotland have a better player in 8 positions so I don't know how you reach that conclusion to be honest. Doyle is 8 in 35 not 9 in 34, and Scotland have more depth I mean Boyd is nearly on 20 and can't even get a game.


    I'd fancy Scotland over two legs any day.


    ya i reckon Scotland might take them over 2 legs. You can't beat a good centre midfield and backline...

    Ireland have no midfield. They're bypassed every time.. So shit to watch..

  10. Speaking of cunts, I think what galls me is Redknapp has left as many jobs and each time it was abandoning a sinking ship yet he doesn't get labelled a 'quitter'.


    He's doing it again right now... I don't think they're going to make it to 4th this year.. We were never this bad in fairness, buying TV players. Spurs must have no scouts, they just kick the feet up and watch the telly.. Palacios, one week after a good game against (who was it?) Liverpool (?) and Spurs buy him. They are atrocious with money...

  11. I'd play Barton, Tiote & Jonas in a midfield 3, Ben Arfa floating around behind Nolan and Carroll. In that formation, i'd want Perch's pace on the right as he would need to get forward to give us some width.


    If we play 4-4-1-1 with Ben Arfa off Carroll, then putting Taylor behind Routledge would work for me.


    Yep would agree with first formation anyway...

  12. Im much more aggrieved at losing out on Cleverley than Gudjohnsen. Wigan ffs :jesuswept:.


    doesnt seem like there were any good value for money strikers out there though, considering gyan went for 13m.


    I think combined with some of our players seeming to perform a lot better than previous season (Barton, Williamson, Carroll and yes even Smith has been decent imo) these transfers should be enough to make us stay up. Hopefully we can keep working on cheap deals like these and maybe get us a decent rb and striker in jan or next summer.


    Nah, give Perch time i reckon. Was same with Enrique when he arrived. I'm guessing he's just a little intimidated playing in front of the big crowd..

  13. stacks of hard lads in the team now then. What happened to the Arsenal model ?



    I thought it was tough alright before we even got Tiote. Had Smith, Barton, Raylor, Nolan, Carroll. Was a bit snobbish at the thought of one of the most brutish looking teams we've had in my time anyway..


    But i like it now. We need a leg-collector. Smith can go back to hanging out on walls with the boys now & keep the bench humoured...

  14. Bit like a cross between anelka and insomnia.


    He's more like a shit version of Maradona; left footed playmaker type. Should give us that extra quality boost and separate us from the real shite at the bottom of the premiership. The only problem is he'll be skinning and taking the piss out of Nolan and 'Smudge' in training, he will leave them for dust. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and I just hope that they don't all start playing silly buggers when he's showing everyone up. It's imperative that he gets on with Carroll so they can build a good understanding and so that Carroll won't batter him. If he gets mates with Tiote and Carroll no one will mess with him.


    We could have a decent little midfield going there, Barton/Tiote/Arfa/Jonas is not bad going at all in terms of survival. Probably stick Nolan in there as well if we're only playing one up front.



    I don't think it'll guarantee us drifting away from the lower teams..

    Unless he's very unselfish in keeping the ball, etc. & playing the possession game.

    If he's acting up, losing the ball & going head first on attacks, i think we're screwed.. You could start hearing him giving out to the players for not speeding up and helping him out. He could be all alone on his own runs. Nolan won't be able to keep up with him anyway.

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