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Everything posted by LooneyToony

  1. You're of no use anymore, Noelle. *You probably go to yoga classes, go to a tanning salon before going to the beach, and your car has bullet-proof windows.
  2. Who else here loves shoveling the snow as much as me, eh?!?!?!?! Who?@!
  3. You're in California? Holy cow I'm only roughly 2600 miles away from you!
  4. We're going to win this fucker. Once our bid for Alexis Sanchez goes through.
  5. Haha...nice. That is an actual town in Connecticut. Greenwich. As a fan of Syracuse University Basketball and Football, I've had the pleasure of driving through that area to get to games. Both there and Madison Square Garden in NYC. (I live in Toronto, On. Canada for those wondering how that's possible)
  6. Yeah. Of all the games I couldn't watch it had to be this one. Come to think of it, it's probably best I didn't because I probably would have broken my telly by the sounds of it.
  7. Dear me, shocking! How are we setting up then? Shirley, not 3 at the back.
  8. 1-2 to the, the... it feels weird not calling them by some warped deviant name. To Newcastle.
  9. And can we stop with the crapping on rotation please. This why you rotate. We played Saturday. Played 90+ minutes today, and play on Friday. Okay it hasn't worked out these last two games, but hopefully it will pay dividends later in the season.
  10. I was wondering why I feel so shit considering we're still on top of the league, but his is why.
  11. my nephew can take a better penalty than Goufran did there.
  12. you guys a re still debating whether it was a red? smh
  13. Oh dear, only Dale Murphy left available to go forward. Rafa spending a message to Mitro and Perez? Particularly Perez.
  14. Yup, this is it. You can see the "problem", if you can really call it that, for us this season. Is that spot in the hole behind Gayle. When Diame plays he shoots all the time, and when Perez is there he holds the ball and loses it. We've played well enough and should win this, I hope.
  15. Not Me. I blame The Fish. His attitude this week has been skanky metal-loving at worst, and cock munching slum-dweliing sister-fucking scumbag at best.
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