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Everything posted by south_cheshire_toon

  1. Many thanks for that. Here I am thinking I've got a fighting chance to get an away ticket for Wigan (and any other local to me - Away game), and it seems I've got Bob Hope's chance of ever getting a ticket for any away game, for the simple fact that the supporting base is so good they all get taken by ST holders. Thanks anyway - looks like I'm going to take my chances in the home end (again).
  2. Might be a simple enough question to answer, but I'm confused regarding getting tickets for away games. I'd like to know what the score is regarding membership and if it's worth it. I was quoted £27 for one full year. So, as I see it, from speaking to someone at the ticket shop. Away game tickets go on sale to Season ticket holders and membership holders from day one of when they are available and that's it - no general public sale. (if this is right - I would imagine that the demand far outweighs what is available.) But, home games DO go on general sale - if not taken up be Season and Membership holders. So, do people think the membership is worth it ? and how many away games do you get to. Aside of this, as I can only get to a few away games - so membership is a no brainer for me. So if anyone can get me a ticket for the Wigan game when they become available then please PM me to touch base. Thx
  3. The online shop is showing new retro shirts. Simple question is :- Is there the large white square on the back ? for adding any squad number. or (As I think it should be) are there just stripes ? (The square forces you to have a number added - which I don't want to if poss.) If anyone could let me know that would be great. Thx
  4. No, far from it. That, I could understand. Fine example. This morning one of the other dept lads wasnt inas his wife was in labour or so they thought. He messaged a lad saying he was going to be in an hour late. The gaffer shouts "Oh thats the norm for you guys being late" This is coming from the boss of a lass who wasnt even in at the time, because she was late! NOTHING was said to her or anything! Aye, but I get 26 days holiday. My holidays start on the 25th of October. I have taken 8! OK, then from the 1st October you get 26 days holiday not including bank holidays, so that 26 / 12 days per month. That's 2.16 days per month. It's now 9th March, that's Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb worked, and if handing in your notice next week, 2 week of march worked. So that's 5 months at 2.16 days = 10.83 plus 1/2 of 2.16 = 1.08 days. Giving a total of 11.91 days holiday to be had with no pay back etc. I think that's right - someone will probably correct me.
  5. Is that the case? Simple example :- You get 24 days a year holiday, so as a rule you get 2 day a month = 2 x 12 = 24 days. So, if you have 6 days off say in Feburary, then leave on 1st March, you'll owe them. That make sense.
  6. As I'm not from Newcastle nor live in the area, I don't know the day to day goings on at the club nor what the 'feeling' is of the people of the ground. I would imagine no matter what happened there will always be people who will hate / like Ashley and that has to be excepted. Someone just posted a 'Pocketed' post, and not knowing the details I can't comment. But what I would say is that this, of the face of it, looks good and is a positive way forward regarding the finances and the fortunes of the club. If people are moaning at not spending any money because of the Carroll affair then imagine what the sentiment must be like at Arsenal ?
  7. Have just got one of these - second hand for home :-
  8. Tom, I've recently found imgburn - very good and simple to use. http://www.imgburn.com/
  9. Considering that Virgin are taking over Northern Rock, does it mean :- 1. Virgin will (at the earliest moment) become the new shirt sponsors ? 2. A new shirt 'introduced' with said new logo on it. 3. As Newcastle will be in the premier league next year - renew the shirt sponsorship - as best way to get name out there ? Or will they just leave things as is and jump ship at the end of the season. Thoughts
  10. Norwich 1 Arsenal 3 Everton 1 Wolverhampton 1 Man City 1 Newcastle 2 (YES - You have read it right - Every confidence in doing them over.) Stoke 0 QPR 1 Sunderland 1 Fulham 2 West Brom 2 Bolton 2 Wigan 1 Blackburn 0 Swansea 1 Man Utd 3 Chelsea 3 Liverpool 1 Tottenham 2 Aston Villa 1
  11. Do you have this disappointment every season, it's not something you should be putting all your hopes on tbh Ah but this way,if drawn against, I can easy get a ticket in the home end and not have the fear of gettng the shit kicked out of me if Crewe / Toon score. Unlike last week at Stoke (having to sit there in complete silence with those clayheaded bastards.)
  12. I know it's not an answer - but a quick goole search gave me the following :- http://www.regular-expressions.info/examples.html http://www.pagecolumn.com/tool/all_about_html_tags.htm And each page look like it has good onward links that might help.
  13. Shit mood. Crewe Alex lost in the FA Cup so now no way of them playing against the toon (at home) as I'd be able to get a ticket.
  14. Peroxide blonde moment? Yeah - I had one of those too - had to re-read the joke at least three times to 'see' the joke. And just love the cat one's - so fucking funny.
  15. exactly Well I must be a mug then, because to me, ok, it's a name to a venue or location, but at the end of the day what do you KNOW the place as ? I'm from Crewe, South Cheshire, our local team played at Gresty Road, now the 'Alexandra Stadium', but to me it will always be 'Gresty Road' and nothing else as will SJP. Perhaps the way to go would have been to call it 'SJP sponsored by xyz', thus keeping all parties happy, but you could imagine radio 5 saying that, 'Over to SJP ....' Some how I don't think so. It comes down to money, and if some one says 'Over to SDA', then that will be picked up by listeners, and then they go to the website, spend money, which goes to Ashley and hopefully in to Newcastle.(Wild howls of derision heard from the baying mob.) because at the end of the day it all boils down to money.
  16. The police explicitly talked about 'accountability'. It's not just about what caused the crash, it's making sure it's someones fault that I have issue with. But what if it was someone's fault? I don't know if it was a massive unlicensed fireworks party that should never have been held near to a public highway or whether they have received all the necessary clearance and taken all reasonable precautions. No one wants to see a witch hunt and I'm sure that no one could have forseen the trouble this display would cause but if there are lessons to be learned to prevent such a tragedy happening again then I think it's important that a proper investigation is carried out. It not a witch hunt, but from the following link :- http://www.dailymail...ists-fault.html quote :- "No arrests have been made in connection with the disaster and it is unclear what possible charges could be brought against the fireworks organiser if they were deemed to be responsible. They could face charges of breaching health and safety regulations or negligence if it was deemed safety checks were not carried out properly. " From working in the farm industry, I know that there are few 'vague' rules regarding fires etc, and one is along the lines of :- 'It is an offence to light a fire etc, whereby the smoke (output) could cross a carriageway and cause visual restrictions'. This isn't the full text so don't quote me on it, but it basically stops farmer from burning rubbish in a field near a road etc, but is applicable to all people no matter what they do, and if the conditions change then the fire etc should be put out.
  17. Newcastle 3 Everton 1 Arsenal 2 West Brom 1 Aston Villa 1 Norwich 2 Blackburn 0 Chelsea 2 Liverpool 3 Swansea 1 Man Utd 2 Sunderland 1 QPR 1 Man City 2 Wolves 2 Wigan 0 Bolton 0 Stoke 3 Fulham 0 Tottenham 2
  18. Why would you want to go to the .com only and not the .uk Normally, the .uk one is 'seen' from your host ip address, so the site routes you to it's local country site, perhaps because they can only sell services to that country. Also as well the .uk (should be) hosted nearer to you so be quicker as well. Others sites (apple for example) allow you to log onto any country or main site, but if you try to buy something it may then redirect you to a country site so it conforms to tax laws etc.
  19. I think I didn't explain myself very well, you don't have to blow the lot on one player. (Have edited post) I was just saying that Nikcy could be a good long term signing, and then use the rest elsewhere.
  20. OK, so that time of the year is approaching. No not Xmas, the next transfer window, and as it seems we missed out with AC departing so late, Pardew has had quite a bit of time to get the squad up and running. Things seems to be running ok at present, 3rd in the league, may it long continue. But if you had your way who would you bring in if all the money from AC departure was available ? Who have you heard / seen so far this season that ticks all of the boxes or could fit into the squad ? and if at all, who would you get rid off from the squad to lighten the wages ? Also what areas of the squad do need to be strengthened ? So, Nicky Maynard at Bristol City, (Ex Alex) has always been one of my favs. (he'd only be about 5m max.) And I'd get rid of Alan Smith. As for the squad, perhaps one of each, Defender, Midfielder and Attacker (perhaps a tall one). Thoughts ?
  21. OK, dumb question - NRSWGO ? what's it stand for ?
  22. From another post (Stoke vs Newcastle):- "Every single one of the lads last night GRAFTED like fuck. You have to do that at teams like Stoke. But its not just Stoke we have done it. Were doing it at all the games now. We loose the ball and we have 2 or 3 players around the ball trying to win it." The Stoke game was only my second 'live' toon game, the previous was the 4-0 last year to them, and I must say the difference between the two was amazing. Going on last night's performance, the teams work rate was fantastic, there seemed to be an air of "all for one and one for all." Which was highlighted in the celebration after the second goal, with Taylor's 'talk' to Ba. It would be nice if someone could lip read and see what he said to him. But with all of this in mind do you think that Pardew has now got the players believing in themselves, not to an extent of being over confident ( this happened I think in the Blackburn Cup game ) but as much as "if we play to the best of our abilties then nothing is impossible". If we carry on as we are, and of course we're bound to lose here and there, but, if against the top 6 we can pull out draws then I think the teams positivity will only grow and nothing bad can come of that. But, if there are a few too many defeats then Pardew will have his work cut out for him. Thoughts ?
  23. Hmmmm.. That's what I heard. But my soud quality wasn't perfect so who knows. I know it won't be the last we hear about it if that is the case. Dirty thugs. From what I heard, they didn't say Monkey. All I heard was "Demba Ba, is a wanker". Unless Sky did turn down other chants I didn't hear. At the very start, as he was the only 'coloured' person on the pitch, the home end chanted 'OOO OOO OOO' as in monkey talk. They also did the 'is a wanker' stuff, but unlike last year it did get to the team. Good game apart from the idiot behind us getting thrown out mid way thru the first half. Tosser.
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