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Everything posted by south_cheshire_toon

  1. OK, perhaps this should wait until tomorrow or until after the Chelsea / Barca game. Someone (non toon fan - well I'm the only the one in office that does follow Newcastle) has just said that if Chelsea win the CL, then it's only the top 3 places that get CL entries (2 defo and 1 qualifying place) and the 4th position goes into the Europa league. Does anyone know if this is true or are we all best just waiting. Thanks SCT
  2. OK. 2 things with that webpage link. 1. No voting buttons to be seen - so looks like the poles have stopped the polling. 2. Also (and this is for anyone who speaks or understand polish) why is position 3 in the table at the bottom of the page down as being (what looks like) a CL spot, but the 4th place says something else(qualifing). Just interested that's all.
  3. (After a quick check on the website - paste updated) I had heard that there were plans to redevelop that end (Gallowgate) as it's the only one they can now expand or update as the East stand can't be because of the houses behind.
  4. As my first proper away game, there is since we've been on this run of 6 unbeaten, i have a slight feeling of dread, in that we are going to either draw or get beat, but the other side of me says that we are playing so well that we're going to trounce the fuckers about 4,5 or even 6 - nil. At the moment I can't seem to make up my mind as to which way it's going to go. Anyway, either way I hope to have a grand day out, a few beers beforehand if I can find a decent pub (someone mentioned the red robin ? near the ground).
  5. Ok, so the ticket has arrived and I am off to Wigan in the away end for the first time, only third Toon game in total. Sad, I know ;-(. So, now that I have a ticket, row number, seat number etc , the question is :- Do I sit there ? or is there a general free for all ? Advice please. SCT
  6. Have found this nice little app that allows you to download youtube and others (long list) of embedded videos etc to your desktop so you can view them without the need for an internet connection. http://www.youtubedownloadersite.com/ Enjoy !
  7. From memory, when plugged in, the drive (if working) will just appear as an extra drive in explorer. Prior to purchase - to see if drive is ok - unplug your cd / dvd and plug that drive in - boot your system and just hold the drive in your hand - you should feel it 'buzz' as the drive spins up - if no buzz then probable that the drive is dead (most probable due to vacuum dying).
  8. Certainly would - and covers all the bases as it's the sata / ide in one. IDE for your PC and sata (as most new laptops are) for, erm, laptop drives as it happens. I was after one awhile ago but then got just a sata caddy as I've dropped my pc awhile ago.
  9. On ebay search for ide drive caddy or sata drive caddy - these are great things - allowing you to plug a pc drive into a laptop usb port. (am using one at present as old pc crashed.) Then so you know what's what - use wikipedia and look at the differences of a ide drive (2 banks of 24 pins) to a sata drive (not dissilimiar to a USB connection).
  10. Ok, should be simply enough to power off pc, connect old drive to any connection on that cable, (should only fit one way) and re -power up. You'll know if it's going to 'see' the drive by going into the bios at boot up and it should show you the connected drive if the pins are set right. Good Luck. (as per the next post) You'll need a power port as well - if non available - use the one from you cd / dvd as a quick fix - they are all the same ends.
  11. There was a very good article in the mail on friday, and a couple of quotes from it :- When talking about players that could be bought, the chief scout is working to a narrow and specific brief that was provided by the top brass. The article then goes on to say :- 'Only players of a certain age, value and salary expectation make it through the sieve for consideration. The rest are discarded, no matter how good their agent promises they will be'. Another part of the article says that they are one step ahead when identifying players, with having replacements for the replacements !
  12. Hmm, for me, and I still haven't looked, I don't know what tombola do - so how could you say about creating good will. What might have been best is to pick two teams relatively close together so that people in that catchment area will know about them and that they have two nearly similiar sponsors so judgement could be made. This way you would be able to see if there were any good will to each of the respective teams etc. Two to pick (from a quick check of sponsors) are Wigan - 12BET and Bolton - 188BET, respectively just down the road from each other. Good luck anyway with your dissertation.
  13. Ok, say we finish 5 and get into Europe We'll all need to put a date in our diaries - and going on when Spurs played their Europa Qualifiers - I think it will be 16th and 23rd of August 2012.
  14. Thanks for that, it's helped me decide not to get a membership in the vain hope of being able to get an away ticket every now and again.
  15. The only thing that thinks we might do a bit better is the fact that Chelsea are in 2, and Liverpool are still in 1 other comp, - so that amounts to more games and fatigue. Also the hope that either chelsea, spurs or liverpool win the fa cup and one of those other teams is in the final as well would also helps things along a bit.
  16. Simple question :- How many season ticket holders are there ? Thanks SCT
  17. Not being familiar with local history etc etc - could someone explain to me why the fan's in 'The Fish''s sig are all the same face ????
  18. Oh well, thanks for the replies, I was hoping for a ticket - someone did say previously (in another post) they could get me ticket - so here's hoping. Otherwise it's me in the home end again. doh. And on that front - does anyone know which side is the quietest side (as in not being neasr any of their 'boys' - if they have them. Thanks again for any replies, SCT
  19. Ok, according to the online ticket shop - these tickets are now available to be purchased. I would (as from South Cheshire and impossible to get to SJP) love to be in the away end, so, please please, can someone PM to arrange a purchase. I've been on the phone to the ticket office and get the impression that there no chance if I become a member (which is also a waste of £27). Thanking you in advance South Cheshire Toon.
  20. Screw fix can be a good source of bits - esp. if they have a local store.
  21. OK then the current table is as follows :- 1. Man Utd - In no comps. 2. Man City - In no comps. 3. Spurs - Still in FA Cup. 4. Arses - In no comps. ----- 5. Chelski - Still in FA Cup ----- 6. Newcastle - In no comps. 7. Liverpool - In Europa via League Cup Win. So going on the above previous post it would be advantagous to us if both Chelski and Spurs contested the FA Cup final ?
  22. I watched the game on a stream and on the whole agree with the above. The only other comment |I have to make and it's not about the team nor the performance was that, I had the sky commentary, and in all my life I've never heard such aload of one sided shite in all my life, it was as thought there were Arsenal stazi police sitting on their shoulders with electric cattle prodders, waiting to fry Dury's and Le tiss's bollocks at the mention of something good for Newcastle.
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