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Everything posted by south_cheshire_toon

  1. Although an older film - have just see Inglourious Basterds - and would give it 9.5 out of 10. I thought the opening scene and the basement scene were just amazingly great - the tension - had me griped throughout.
  2. It win / win for me - as if he leaves for more first team football they we'll (Crewe) would defo have him, problem is we only pay small wages so as he scores he's putting himself in the shop window as they say. I'd expect a summer move to a championship team - just to keep the regular first teamers on their toes, but you never know (fingers crossed).
  3. Just been speaking to a collegue, who went to the Crewe Alex Vs. Coventry game earlier in the week. Stated that the on loan from Newcastle player Brad Inman looked 'out of this world' and scored what he called a 'cracker' of a goal. In a nut shell - his first was a run similiar to HBA's against WBA last season, but instead of rolling it in, he wholloped it in from the edge of the area. Is he one for the future or not on Pardew's radar ?
  4. OK, so we are at that time of the year again, as to whether we are looking up or (in this case) looking down. So with 13 games to go, my thoughts are we will do the following :- Tottenham (A) L Southampton (H) W Swansea (A) L Stoke (H) D Wigan (A) W Man City (A) L Fulham (H) W Mackems (H) W West Brom (A) D Liverpool (H) D West Ham (A) L QPR (A) W Arsenal (H) D Point Now 27 Gained 19 Total 46 And this will be just enough to stay up, with those going down only getting 43 or less.
  5. It would be better, if, say, at the start of every new season, a PM was sent to everyone asking for a donation. This way you'll get a good lump of donations and people will remember to cough up as it's a yearly thing (I donate to Wiki at Xmas). Also as well, without revealing the true amount there could be a 'graph' or icon showing what the finances are like as in Very Good to scraping the bottom of the barrel, and then that might jerk people into making a donation.
  6. OK, so there's going to be a new train line built, we know where from and to. I live near to Crewe but the new link won't effect me at all, but the wife's parents house is now going to be just 100 yards from it, and another friends farm is going to be demolished. Question is has anyone every heard of how much difference there is (if any) when a CPO is made on a property etc. Any exp. would be helpful. Rgds, SCT
  7. Have posted on the actual posting in the help section.
  8. I'd try any of the recommendations that a general google search throws up. But in a nutshell :- Plug laptop direct into the router - see if you get an ip address, if not, then either the router is buggered or the ethernet port is. Try your laptop in another router if possible to confirm, and if working then for some reason the router's dhcp config is out of the window. it's hard to diagnose an issue over a text conversation but google will be your best help.
  9. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotInKansasAnymore is the link I found from a quick google search.
  10. Amy: I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto. Nick: I don't think we're in the food chain anymore, Dorothy. Comes from Honey, I shrunk the Kids.
  11. Fantastic mood as my home town team (Crewe Alex) got promoted yesterday and I was there at wembley.
  12. Might be best to look at the chip speed first of all, perhaps a i3 or a refurbed i5, then go for the o/s. xp is good, but Window 7 is better. Also memory is a good pointer, at least 4mb ram, and check that it can expand upto at least 8mb for future expansion. Another thing is check the battery life - you don't want something that goes flat after 2 hours, most good laptops have about 4 hours in them. As well as the above - check to see what ports the laptop has - try to find one with a built in HDMI port - then you can stream HD straight to a compatible TV. Try ebuyer.co.uk and currys / pcworld as from time to time they have refurbed ones for sale. Most laptops come with wireless built in - so you should know about that already. Now roaming the internet - you'll have to check, but 3 do a good tariff (last time I checked - it was £15 all in) - but the transfer rates will be shite. Hope this helps, Keeping it B&W, SCT
  13. Europa are on a thursday and the league game is then on a Sunday NOT Saturday.
  14. I've been trying to uppload some pictures but am getting nowhere fast - can someone post how it's done. Thx
  15. Cool - many thanks - that's fixed it.
  16. Just recently I have discovered that I can't reply to a post, by which I mean that I click on the 'quote' button and normally the reply box opens at the bottom of the page and I can reply. But this now no longer happens, I get a little black bar opening at the top of my screen as thought something is trying to be opened but that's it. Anyone any ideas - I thinking that a Window updates has screwed something up but any pointers would be gratefully recieved. Keeping it B&W, SCT
  17. Just checked, and I can get 3795 to 1 on all three results being 2-1, might be worth a pound or two.
  18. Whilst listening to the game on Sunday, Collyfodders partner in grime, don't know his name, stated that :- "Newcastle (in their last 21 games when going behind) have never then gone on to win the game." That's quite shocking.
  19. http://www.youtubedownloadersite.com Go to the above, download the app, and you'll be able to download to your local device. Enjoy.
  20. I'm believing - also if it's 2-0 to West Brom then spurs will finish 4th and then hope that Chelsea win the CL just to run salt into fat Harry's wounds. Come On !!!
  21. OK, by all expectations, and the season is yet to finish, no-one would have predicted that we would have finished in the top 6. (Personally - I was hoping for a top half finish). So what are your thoughts for next season ? Here are mine. If in the CL, to make it though to the league stage - then finish 3 to qualify for EL - if this happens then anything else will be a bonus. If in the EL, to get though to the quarter finals at least. and the on top that a top ten finish in the league. All other cup comps are secondary. I would also like to think that we could keep the majority of the current first team squad and strengthen in areas mentioned in other posts. Keeping it B&W, SCT
  22. As Ewerk has posted above, and previous in this thread, if it ain't broke then don't try to fix it. Also every person has the right to say what they want - if you don't like what they say then agree to disagree. Regarding banning people, I joined the online forum the other day as I needed to speak to someone, and god, the number of different things you can get banned for - it's just plain daft - you can't even offer tickets for matches - that gets a ban. I love this forum because anything goes as they say, people should know what's decent and morally correct, OK, there have been a few posted whereby people have honestly asked questions of something that is wrong - that Norwegian shooting those kids etc - and that just sparks debate as to why's and wherefore's. BUT please don't change anything - I love you all as you are - a FANTASTIC group of Toon fan's who speak from the heart (from time to time). Keeping it black and white, SCT
  23. I 'could' have had 16/1 about 3/4 weeks ago. wish I'd had a punt now. doh. Just checked - 11/2 the best price.
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