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Everything posted by parkinpants

  1. How would you know? I was watching the crowd intensely on tv once... from my home in a little village in Cornwall after I became a glory supporter and stopped supporting my local team, Inbreds FC.
  2. This website is gives you every satellite channel showing every match from every league/competition (boxing etc too) LJ's Liveonsat Just had a quick look and I think it should be on "Abu Dhabi Sports HD" (which is on a satellite called Nilesat 7West). .. this is just satellite channels, so it might also be on cable
  3. the stewards will tell you to sit, but I doubt you'll obey them
  4. I was talking to someone about this today and he reckoned the expression had been around as far back as the 80's, that even Everton were once considered one of "the big five".... I don't believe him though
  5. Anyone wisdom from anyone else? Someone with a brain and who has been on the planet for more than 10 years?
  6. The media have really been hammering this "big four" expression into us the last few years and I'm wondering whether this is a new thing or a ye olde expression from many moons back. I was thinking maybe "big four" is something they invented a few years back when they opened up the Champions League to 4 spots..... but maybe its been around much longer and I just never noticed it so much? I was wondering if the likes of Leeds, Newcastle etc have ever been spoke of as one of "the big 4", or maybe the expression didn't exist then. I'm also wondering how long it'll be before the "big 4" will someone other than MUFC, Loonypool, Arsewipe and Chelski.
  7. yes, going back to the original thread, you can scratch both Carrick and Fabio off the list.... leaving - the "long term" sick out in Ferdinand and Hargreaves - fringe players in Rafael, Obertan and Anderson. ... and I wouldn't be surprised if Evra made a sudden Carrick like recovery from whatever it is he reckons he has (stress?)
  8. The MUST rebels were saying 10,000 season ticket holders have refused to renew season tickets, but they had been replaced by "members".... thus whilst season ticket holder numbers have stayed similar it has still had a 10,000 knock of effect, hence they're on general sale
  9. There's no-one bigger, or smaller, than Paul Scholes.
  10. 1. I certainly wouldn't say "Man U" myself, 2. it would certainly raise an eyebrow, and make me cringe a little inside, if I heard a MUFC fan saying "Man U" ....but to hear a non-MUFC say "Man U", personally, wouldn't make me cry.... I don't think that makes me "not proper". In fact, me dad's from Newton Heath so I'm pure blood me.
  11. Neither MUFC or City fans hate "Man U" or "Man City". I do find it particularly amusing when the yanks refer to MUFC as, quite simply, "Manchester"... thus inadvertently totally dismissing the existence of City. (Lets not start debating how offensive "City" might be to Bristol fans etc)
  12. I'll actually agree with you on this.... but going back to your original comment The presumption isn't really made (unjustfiably) by MUFC fans. MUFC fans quite rightly refer to their own club as "United" as should any other such club like Leeds, Newcastle or Sheff U. I think your beef is/should be more with the "non MUFC" fans who understandably, but not justifiably, give MUFC the default for "United".....
  13. Of course they have (especially Leeds) but, as I said originally, its been a while since Leeds or Newcastle did owt that I would consider 'noteworthy'. I would say its been 7 years now since Newcastle did anything conceivably noteworthy (5th in the league - same year Leeds tumbled).... and at least 9 years since Leeds were competing for anything. Moreover, I can't see Leeds or Newcastle challenging for anything in the near future. (I apologise if I've forgotten Leeds/Newcastle having any exciting FA/Carling cup adventures over recent years.... but none spring to mind). Its therefore pretty understandable that the default team that spring to mind for "United" these days is MUFC. However, Kevin has no excuse. For a NUFC fan to refer to MUFC as "United" is totally unnacceptable. It is funny, from my point of view, but understandably totally unacceptable from your point of view. I would go as far to consider it "treason" if a MUFC fan referred to NUFC or LUFC as "United".... and I would have to suggest death by catapult etc
  14. Technically true though isn't it? Looking at last year's table, the only other "United" was West Ham, who finished 17th. Its been a while since Newcastle or Leeds did owt. Technically, no they aren't When are we getting a Man U badge for this knobhead? Main Entry: note·wor·thy Pronunciation: \-ˌwər-thē\ Function: adjective Date: 1552 : worthy of or attracting attention especially because of some special excellence <a noteworthy contribution> — note·wor·thi·ly \-thə-lē\ adverb — note·wor·thi·ness \-thē-nəs\ noun
  15. Technically true though isn't it? Looking at last year's table, the only other "United" was West Ham, who finished 17th. Its been a while since Newcastle or Leeds did owt.
  16. Twoddly. Your naivety and predictability never ceases to amaze me Kevin, think thats why i like you so much. This may be difficult for you to digest for a young lad, but when I was growing up (in North Manchester in the 80's) MUFC had NO glory hunters. The glory hunters were following Loonypool in them days. It was a sad sad sight to see green "Candy" shirts on the school playing fields of Manchester.
  17. I do believe you held us to a draw first game of the season not too long ago.....and If Leeds managed to beat us last year then who knows what might happen first day o the season
  18. "across the pond" is quite astute, I am a Man U fan like the Middlesbrough reference is merely a facade, I am in fact from Manchester
  19. Not to worry. True love is often unrequited Kevin. Did you not at least like my Raoul Moat video Kevin? Please tell me you did, please please. It would mean so much to me if you did.
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