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Everything posted by kockhead

  1. Joey Barton was Man citys player of the year not long back. Anyway we yous need a scouser in the team geordies need to be tougher. Alan Shearer getting Newcatle sent down and Gazza crying its not text book stuff hey lads.
  2. Word is on the street Kevin Phillips on his way to Newcastle. I know some estate agent he told me Phillips buying a plush flat Newcastle. He says he can help Newcastle fight relegation.
  3. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    I know Joe Coles gone to Liverpool but why is this thread about Liverpool V Newcastle. I know we won captial of culture but this Liverpool V Newcastle thing going to far now. I've already proved Liverpool is a better city. Ask a yank where is Newcastle they wouldn't know what the fuck your talking about. To most yanks Liverpool is the captial of England thick twats I know buts thats how it is. Maybe John Lennon had something to do with it.
  4. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    Georides are sick running out of Moats house with his shitty y fronts the sad twats. That's all fair and honest and so on. But I'm not a Geordie. You're a scouser, on a Newcastle board looking for attention. Now scouser, what does that tell us about you? That you're a pathetic individual. I'm on shit loads of clubs forums mate beats the gays ones you visit. Anyway it gives me something to do. I'm on a weeks holiday and its pissing down outside. I'm of to Rileys tonight play a bit a snooker. A bit of peace hey mate?
  5. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    Georides are sick running out of Moats house with his shitty y fronts the sad twats.
  6. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    As it happens, I'm staying in Birtley. I'm on me way into town later I except to see sh*t loads of tw*ts wearing yellow striped shirts speaking Scottish. Funny people the gerodies, me bird saw shit loads of them running out of Moats house with his shitty boxers. By the way Alex (above) you thick cu*t Paul Maccartney played a gig at Anfield last year
  7. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    I love the way "The Beatles" is supposed to somehow be the ultimate trump card - not everybody liked the cunts. Maybe not everyone but shit loads of people hey mate. I was in town the other day saw some eskimos taking pics of the cavern.
  8. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    I didn't bring up North West mate it was that tw*t with a sad name lol Gordon the tank engine
  9. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    The whole of North West could not just little Stafforshire towns. Manchester is no where near as ugly as Liverpool though and its the people who are to blame. Ask yourself a question smart arse what the fuck as the North East provided music and football wise? Can they follow Liverpool and Man Utd or the beatles and Oasis Nah Ant and Dec, Newcastle and Sunderland on the floor laughing me tits of you loser Oh shit sorry mate yous provided byker grove well better than corrie and brookside
  10. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    The whole of fucking Newcastle could do with a lick of paint mate
  11. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    Tell me a bigger shithole overall than Liverpool, and back it up with statistics as well. We have Joe Cole yous have Joe Barton Newcastle big club but Liverpool bigger (Newcastle local club, Liverpool worldwide) Newcastle good city but Liverpool better thats why we won captial of culture Newcastle produce Ant and Dec Liverpool produce John Lennon We have history yous don't Could do with a lick of paint. That Liverbuilding is as ugly as Killingworth flats in the 80s imo. Just an ugly building.
  12. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    Tell me a bigger shithole overall than Liverpool, and back it up with statistics as well. We have Joe Cole yous have Joe Barton Newcastle big club but Liverpool bigger (Newcastle local club, Liverpool worldwide) Newcastle good city but Liverpool better thats why we won captial of culture Newcastle produce Ant and Dec Liverpool produce John Lennon We have history yous don't
  13. kockhead

    Joe Cole

    We have Joe Cole yous have Joe Barton Newcastle big club but Liverpool bigger (Newcastle local club, Liverpool worldwide) Newcastle good city but Liverpool better thats why we won captial of culture Newcastle produce Ant and Dec Liverpool produce John Lennon We have history yous don't
  14. Sorry about me bad English above me spellcheckers gone gerodie on me.
  15. Alright guys, people stop having a go because I'm a scouser. (Page 22-23 anyone didn't see) Now back to Moat, that bird on talksport ( Season ticket holder St James Park sits next to Gordon Mckeag ). She thinks moat is a legend I don't agree. So can you phone up Mike Ashley and have her banned please gerodies. If I not I'll phone up Barton and have her personally removed. Cheers for your help David Kophead
  16. US website Road Junky Travel Yanks it Hicks and Gillette saying that cheeky tw*ts Hicks and Gillette want to go to Newcastle and meet Gazza they would sh*t themselves and its baltic as well.
  17. kockhead

    I'm Back

    Welcome back Kevin mate what happend to your teeth mate? Cant you get them done for free on the NHS. Looks like you had a smack of Joey Barton
  18. Give Merseyside away? Give away the grand national Give away the history of the beatles (Cavern Matthew St etc) Give away the most successful football clubs in England Liverpool and Everton won more English leagues than any English city Give away the Royal Brikdale British open Give away the albert dock Give away Newcastle give it to Scotland at least they can understand you Give away ant and dec sounds good to me
  19. I know the North East sticks together when sport is involved. I know a few people on here support Sunderland and Newcastle they support the north east as I'm told 100s of times. So you may like to know Sol grandad Campbell is on his way to the north east (Sunderland). No need to thank me just passing on good news.
  20. Roadhouse I thought you'll be bigger 10/10 very funny film
  21. Breaking news Micheal Owen and Harry Kewell seen looking at plush flats in Newcastle.
  22. Hey stop having ago at scousers. Don't forget we provided you with Joey the king Barton. Newcastle fans player of the season. Never mind John Lennon Joey the kings the man.
  23. Whats that mean sterotiptastic? Never seen that word on countdown mate don't think suzie would allow it. You been on the tins with Gazza?
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