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Glasgow Mag

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Everything posted by Glasgow Mag

  1. I fucking knew you would say that Its all about rites of passage. Buying first porn mag, first underage pint... happy days. 6171[/snapback] Razzle?
  2. She looks like a scrawny poodle to me, but each to their own, personally speaking I think who ever suggested her is in need of serious psychiatric help. 6167[/snapback] Do you know, as it happens, as from today I'm qualified to detain him under the Mental Health Act 1983. Think I might have to do it.....
  3. Jimbo you must surely have some opinion on the Liz MacDonald suggestion...?!
  4. What do you remember about it? Guys do you remember when your voice broke? Mine broke at a school concert when I was an usher. Trying to impress a bird I fancied. Looking back my hormones must have been going haywire. I also remember buying Lynx deoderant and Clearasil and hiding them under my bed so my parents wouldn't catch sight of them...
  5. I just don't like that twat Cosgrove. Can't stand him. Over-hyped dickhead with his head rammed up his own Irish "earse". Total shitbag.
  6. Quoted for truth. She's a right old munter - must be approaching 60 now, and looking every day of it! Her hair is that colour due to all the fags she has smoked - what do you think it would taste like to kiss her? How do you imaine her teeth to look, if they're not falsers ?!
  7. Press the red button to go interactive C-Beebies
  8. On men, yes. 6100[/snapback] And on Gemmill you mean? 6101[/snapback] I wouldn't know.... 6102[/snapback] You're willing to give him the benefit of the doubt then? 6103[/snapback] I meant that I don't know, but it sounded to me as if you might have seen the sight....
  9. On men, yes. 6100[/snapback] And on Gemmill you mean? 6101[/snapback] I wouldn't know....
  10. Could have pulled there?! Actually you're coming across to me as the type who steals womens undies from the washing lines.....
  11. Bev of Brookside (Sarah White):
  12. WHOA! This thread was about if you HAD to (as in you have no choice in the matter) shag one bloke from history, who would it be. It was never, I repeat NEVER! about having a crush on swarthy Italian blokes, you mincer! 6065[/snapback] Oh, right..... Oops......
  13. I bought a pair of Oakleys last summer when I was away in Bermuda, silver 'a-wire' frames with blue polarised lenses. I absolutely love them, wear them all year round if I can! I probably saved about 1/3 from the UK price so if you have any trips abroad soon then it might be worth holding off. a-wire suits me, but I'm 24. Maybe some of the other styles would suit your son if he's a bit younger. Polarised lenses are quite popular these days, don't understand the science but they're supposed to be better for the eyes. Oakley also sell realy good, robust cases, worth spending the extra £20 on one I think to prevent damage to them in pockets, etc..
  14. What is it with you and boilers? Liza Tarbuck As for Shazza well as a kid I used to like her, now Im not so sure. 6051[/snapback] Would you kick her out of bed for farting?
  15. Back in the day I used to have slight crushes on some members of the Italian football teams of the '94 and '98 world cups, including the likes of:
  16. 6028[/snapback] OK you're next. Sorry been busy today will get round to it tonight. You like the series then?
  17. What about if you were to put a paper bag over her head - would she be okay then?
  18. Not sure myself. She's on the now like.
  19. Hey ! sex is great but its no substitute for the real thing ! 5566[/snapback] What do you tend to think of when you do it, Jimbo? Football and fast cars?
  20. Do you do it for a good cause, Jimbo...?
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