Glasgow Mag
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Everything posted by Glasgow Mag
You could have picked up your clothes off the floor you messy git!
And the award for daftest question of the year goes to.... course they do, its heaving with the things! Food wise, obviously pizza and pasta are top (the mushroom pasta I had Friday night was like no other while the Lasagna al Bolognese was totally different to what you get here, it was more a mince pate but tasted fantastic). There were bakeries that had huge windows filled with different topped focacias and mini pizza breads while the cakes ....droooooool. If you go in a bar for a drink you get a plate of antipasto (sic?) just a small amount but it was perfect. The hotel was spot on, the pics on the link dont do it justice, our room was big, airy, spotlessly clean and had a fantastic big bathroom. Ok Peasepud, fair enough it cost £20 to get there but did you get value for money once you wre there?
What about the food - is there much variety or is it just pasta and pizza all the way? And was your hotel nice? Do they have clothes shops for the women?
I know being Scottish makes me a bit biased, but I think we've just missed a big thing in Alex McLeish. Worked wonders with the Scotland team. Barrowload of trophies from his time at Rangers.
Had a craving for one all day. Popped into the supermarket on the way home tonight, bought a cherry Fruit Crner. Got home, had my dinner and devoured it. Very nice it was. The creamy yoghurt and the intense cherry flavour complement each other so well. The blueberry one comes a close second, with peach and apricot third. Thoughts everyone?
Bono from U2 probably.
Anyone put off by the MSG content of most Chinese food?
One thing the Chinese restaurants do really well is vegetable spring rolls. The supermarket versions are usually minging. Thing is it's really difficult to get the vegetable version up here - the takeaways usually add pork.
What are your thoughts on the Chinese food you get from takeaways? Is it a staple part of your diet? Could you live without it? Any horror stories? I myself like it every now and again. Probably have a vegetable curry (with added cashew nuts) with fried rice every couple of months. I never eat meat from a Chinese restaurant though - stems from having sweet and sour chicken as a teenaget, bit through the batter and the chicken was only half-cooked, pink in the middle. Enough to put me off for life, although this was only one time in one restaurant.
What a lovely, caring pair of blokes - helping raise awareness about drugs in an inner-city school in south London. What a coincidence that the TV crew happened to be there on the same day, eh lads?
Up here, the likes of Braehead and Buchanan Galleries are plagued with the Chinese selling healing remedies, assorted head massages, soft cushions filled with polystyrene balls, while outside on the streets they're selling luminous sticks or battery powered toy dogs that walk about then flip over. None of it any use to me, or, I suspect, to many others. JD Sport - there's no sport involved! People who play sport don't generally need XXXL jogging bottoms and hoodies. In years gone by, a sports shop was just that - it sold sports stuff. I remember Intersport in Hexham as a prime example. You could find everything sports-related - tennis and badminton racquets, table-tennis balls, adaptors to put on the end of your bicycle pump to blow up your football. That kind of shop is dying out.
That Chris Moyles - what a crappy show it is in the morning. Far too much chat, not enough music. lately there tends to be a slot at 8.45 onwards, when I'm rushing about trying to get parked and into work on time when he has some celebrity on the show to plug their latest DVD/Book/Game out on sale for Christmas - recent mornings we've had Matt Lucas and Jeremy Clarkson. It's blatant advertising, on the BBC which doesn't do advertising. For example: Moyles: Now Jeremy, usually these DVDs are really expensive, I'd never think of buying one. Clarkson: Well Chris, this one you can get for around £12.99 Moyles: Wow! What a bargain Jeremy! The show is so full of celebrities licking each others' arses. It pisses me off. Also getting a bit bored of the chat in the rest of the show - Rachael - the token bimbo, Aled, the token gay, Comedy Dave - the bloke. The Scott Mills show in theafternoon is a bit better - occasionally laugh at the prank calls.
Highly unprofessional. It's blatantly obvious @Arry is shit-stirring here, wouldn't be surprised if he was lining up a sneaky bid for Berbatov. Imagine what we would be thinking if Big Sam came out with similar comments.
I started off reading Match! when I was about 10, and it came out every Tuesday costing 50p. I used to rush to the newsagent after school on a Tuesday to get hold of my new copy. I used to like 'Match Facts'. I hated bank holiday Mondays as this meant that the issue didn't hit the shops until a Wednesday. Soon, I started buying Shoot! too, but preferred Match!. Occasionally I would buy 90 Minutes (the more mature alternative?). When I was about 15 I started buying monthlys like Match of The Day and Goal (both quality reads). Then I got a subscription to Goal and Total Football. I occasionally bought FourFourTwo, then MOTD ceased to be, and Goal and total Football seemed to be taken over by FourFourTwo. I stopped reading Match! and Shoot! when I was about 16, after I had grown out of them. Sometimes I read Total Sport, until it too stopped. These days I only read FourFourTwo, which I subscribe to.
How come a lot of our towns are becoming shitholes? Off licences, betting shops, take-aways, tanning salons and amusement arcades springing up all over the place, at the expense of small local businesses. Ardrossan on the west coast of Scotland is a prime example. Makes my piss boil. No matter youngsters hang about getting pissed in bus stops and grow up into fat alcoholic smoking unemployable layabouts.
What's your favourite loaf? Mine is Warburtons Seeded Batch. Used to love Mighty White when I were a nipper - can't seem to find it anywhere these days. Does anyone eat the ends of the loaf? I'm about to put some hummus on my toast for late night snack, just in from work and don't want a full dinner.
About to start on Channel 4. I'm hooked on it.
What's apple tea?! Sounds minging.
Away golfing for the day yesterday, called the missus to say I was just about to set off on my way home, and to expect me in at about 10pm. She asked me if I would stop off at the supermarket on the way to buy her some tampax super-strength compacts, and the latest edition of In Style. Had a bit of an argument over whether this was absolutely necessary, I don't normally like to enter into discussions about this sort of topic, but she insisted that she was 'flooding'. I stopped off at Tesco but the only 2 checkouts open were being run by blokes, thought I couldn't do that so went to Asda - thank christ, I thought, they have self-service check-outs, so I went to the Womens Personal Aisle, felt like a right pervert looking up and down all the shelves until I could find the one she wanted (had it written down on a piece of paper so at least other shoppers should have been able to tell I wasn't shoppin for myself). Finally spotted it, grabbed it, lifted the magazine, popped in a copy of GQ and a four-pack of Corona to make myself feel/look more manly and to cover up my embarrassing purchases, quickly negotiated the self-service check-out and buggered off home to be met by a grateful missus. Told her never to put me throught that experience again. My 2 questions: For the lasses, is this a reasonable favour for her to have asked of me? For the men, what would you have said/done, put in the same position as me?
3 sachets in the coffee shop hell yes...I don't even flinch.. ...the sugar pouring device can be a bit misleading, there is a lot less coming out than it appears.. Don't take any sugar in either tea or coffee - can't stand the sickly sweet taste... Good thanks Cath, cheers for asking. Making a bit of a cameo appearance this week - off on holidays, too skint to go away! How's you?
3 sachets in the coffee shop hell yes...I don't even flinch.. ...the sugar pouring device can be a bit misleading, there is a lot less coming out than it appears.. Don't take any sugar in either tea or coffee - can't stand the sickly sweet taste...
Nigel Spink Gary Owers
How do you think todays confectionery matches up to the standards of yesteryear? I reckon standards are slipping. For example, Fruit Gums used to be one of my favourite sweets. Now, todays bastardised version is a pale imitation of the version I used to buy in my youth. They used to have the shapes of the fruits on the top side of the gum, e.g. lime shape on the green ones. SInce they changed to the generic 'grid' pattern on all flavours, the gums themselves are shit. Discuss.
What happens to old police cars? I've seen a few police cars recently, they're trying to crack down on speeding around Glasgow. All of them BMWs or Mercedes 4x4s, none of them older than 54 plates. Why don't police have to drive their cars until they're knackered, you never see the police driving around in clapped-out old escorts or peugeots. I've seen a few old police astras being turned into fire brigade cars, but what happens to the rest of them?
Jens Lehman only lasted a season at Milan, 98-99, and was a complete flop.