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Everything posted by adios

  1. Cool, I should be around tomorrow evening.
  2. @Rayvin up for this tonight? I'm free for a couple hours.
  3. Ours are roasted too though, which I think was @Alex's point. And thank fuck he clarified he wasn't a complete monkeynutist because I was about to LOSE IT.
  4. When it's the Hollywood establishment lauding him it's going to have a serious impact on your will to report more of the same.
  5. Maybe he won't be as mobile/suit the system well enough to stifle them which, let's face it, is about the height of Rafa's ambition at Old Trafford.
  6. adios

    Fifa 18

    Took me a minute to figure out how he'd managed to edit my OP.
  7. I really enjoyed it and probably recommended it to you idiots months ago.
  8. The CK thing's been doing the rounds for ages, at least as a 'famous comedian' who it was an open secret was him. Was hoping it would prove to be unfounded but you'd know just to look at him. Dirty bastard.
  9. Will switch those, cheers. Completely binned right now but might be on for an hour from ten or eleven.
  10. Andy Gray and Martin Tyler for me.
  11. This post makes me really hopeful, but this: Jimbo's telly tbh.
  12. Ah so you can set it to roll in alternating directions without the stick or you just want access to it from both buttons?
  13. Best bindings? Seems like I should be utilising R1 and R2 for something. L1 = Roll & Slide, R1 = Boost seems to work ok? Liking the backflip to shoot forward and follow the ball in.
  14. Just pissing around with dribbling/flying/bunting(?) locally for now which I need plenty of practice on anyway.
  15. Expected parcel from the Darknet has not arrived so I'll be on tonight around 8pm.
  16. Was about to ask you which one did it for you but your subsequent post appears to have answered that.
  17. Now 'xxxx' I do know. That means an embarrassing amount of life wasted.
  18. No idea what a ringer is but assume it's a sex thing.
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