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Everything posted by adios

  1. If Bomberman didn't have such disappointing ratings I'd just get a Switch now but I can always buy one in 6 months if they allow the games I mentioned to be downloaded digitally or ported. I'm defo still in decision mode and easily talked in/out of it. Keep in mind I'm only interested in this for local multiplayer with the girlfriend preferably with the games mentioned above (but obviously if there are games of a similar ilk that's fine too).
  2. It actually looks like the Wii U is a better fit for us given game selection and backwards compatibility (Super Smash, Mariokart, Bomberman).
  3. I shudder to think what he'd use if there was no fireplace.
  4. Technical trading is voodoo to me.
  5. I could point at many points in the chart where waiting would cost you money not save you money (as could you do the opposite). It's about percentages at the end of the day, I've just seen nothing to convince me that they swing obviously one way or the other. So in absence of that, I'm using the logic that if it trends upwards it's more likely to go up than down at any given moment.
  6. And that's enough citing of anecdotes from you!
  7. How do you know when it's high or low (given the unknown nature of the fundamentals)? What if it breaks 20k and then drops the 16k?
  8. Ah yes, I am the weirdo. We rarely share the same room.
  9. Am I a total weirdo for having zero interest in portable gaming? I just can't think of any time I would avail of it. I'm going to ask the girlfriend if she'd be into it or I won't bother.
  10. I've actually completely overlooked the Switch because of the portability which is a bit stupid as I can just ignore it. All of my fond memories of local multiplayer are on Nintendo consoles. Bomberman on the SNES, Goldeneye 64, SSB on Gamecube, Mariokart on all of them. I need to give this a second thought.
  11. My mate who's all-in on BTC just referred to IOTA as "full of shit coin". Bitter at missing out?
  12. I wouldn't worry about dips too much unless you're doing short-term trades. If you're in for the long haul it's not that relevant and something that is trending upwards is more likely to go up than down.
  13. You realise you can invest in a lot less than one BTC right? Right now I have a grand total of about €5 in there just from moving money through it.
  14. Said about every bubble ever. In defence of BTC - it's potentially going to replace the entire global FX market, so it's underpinned by a lot more than traders' faith. The other side - Blockchain is what's important, not BTC, which has no inherent right to its position other than being out front right now. I can envisage scenarios where the US fucks it, but if you look at how countries like Japan are treating it, it's probably out of the bag and too late for them to control it. Overall, from the little I know, l think BTC is going to 10x again in the next couple years and I'm seriously considering putting a fair amount in. Someone said earlier they were investing in companies strong on Blockchain, that's the safe bet, but I hate safe bets.
  15. Aye, he's defo very smart and well educated on that and stuff like Biblical mythology but goes a bit...odd about the transgender agenda etc.
  16. Holds about as much water as - if you want to play with toy guns you might as well just go and bomb Dresden. I personally don't give a shite, like you, and think anyone who does is taking life a little too seriously, but that reasoning is...not solid. I'd rather people were inclusive of the snowflakes rather than being snowflakes themselves but here we are. I'm also starting to warm to Peterson's ideas about the extreme left too though, so I'm basically a Nazi at this point anyway.
  17. adios


  18. adios


    Jaysus, you're all falling apart! I feel ten years younger and I've probably abused my body more than most. Well, there was that ICU/coma/multiple organ failure a couple years ago but I promise that was an anomaly.
  19. He's stepped down from his unequivocal stance that it was never happening tbf.
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