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Everything posted by adios

  1. Looking at the subs bench I'd say he's kind of been forced into it.
  2. Will take a gander, cheers.
  3. Yep, we're on the same page wrt blockchain. It's revolutionary.
  4. What does btc have in the long run? Ethereum is way better for finance, others will fill the currency void. Fair enough trading vs other traders right now, but I'm not seeing it as a sound investment.
  5. It's going to take months before btc is a viable internet currency again by which time the internet may have moved on. At that point its only intrinsic value is basically hiding money. I'd be betting on ltc/mnr right now. The junkies and poker players will be the first to jump (it's already happening) and how many others are using btc as currency right now?
  6. I think the connotation is that he's a shite gambler. Everyone gambles all the time, guys like Musk/Bezos/Jobs most of all. They just tend to make gambles with a positive expected value so we don't think of them as "gamblers". Either that or they play the system and never actually make a penny.
  7. For those who missed that Poundland tweet before they took it down:
  8. Outtake from the first recorded 'Deal With It' meme?
  9. I'm going to stop my pathetic attempt at mitigation about now.
  10. He writes for the Mag so I think that's what he means about influencing their opinions? Top work either way.
  11. I wonder if @Dr Gloom gets a notification every time he gets a mention.
  12. Probably picked up 84,000 of those in the last three hours.
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