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Everything posted by adios

  1. Ashley will be sweating like a pig on a spit right about now.
  2. Can't remember the last time I liked a player as much as Lascelles. Proper footballer.
  3. I'm really liking Punisher btw, so maybe take my recommendations with more than a pinch of salt from now on.
  4. I was always on the fence about him, but really liked him in this (and comedians in cars).
  5. Exactly what I thought when I saw it, right down to the adjective. Highly recommended.
  6. As a bald middle-aged Irish woman, I have to agree.
  7. Honestly I'm probably just an embittered Newcastle fan at this point but I'd rather the whole fucking mess collapsed and I'd just move to Newcastle to watch the football.
  8. That's an excellent interview with him as always (and by and large an embarrassing one from her) but I don't think we can just take his recent statements in a vacuum. I do think he needs to take more interest in the kind of people he's speaking for. I think there's some intellectual dishonesty going on there wrt what some of his most vocal followers are up to. To go off on a bit of a tangent, I do wonder if them upstairs have figured out the power dynamics and are now medicating the fight out of us plebs to be more like our female counterparts. I was recently having a conversation about ODD people and it seems that the primary factor is a problem with authority. And we're now not only medicating for that but telling parents that their kids will be excluded from class if they won't medicate them. That's potentially very disturbing. Back on topic, I'll have a bit of a read of the backlash now I've finally watched it.
  9. You can never accuse him of not putting in the graft though even if we'd sometimes rather he hadn't bothered.
  10. Maybe all of this is necessary before we settle into a new and better normal.
  11. I like a lot of what Peterson has to say, he's clearly very smart and very knowledgeable but he needs to bear some responsibility for the kind of furore he incites. I think a lot of his patreons(?) are probably quite unpleasant people. There's some shady shite in his background. I think @Rayvin and I have discussed it on here before. All that being said, someone's got to fucking stand up against what's going on right now. Maybe 80% of it is very positive but it's being derailed and damaged by nutters.
  12. That's a fair point, though I'll have to I'll have to take your word for it as I prefer other people to do my research for me. Paging @The Fish
  13. I think Leicester are an anomaly that we might see once every thirty years. Don't see a correlation between their spending and winning the league. Something something Danny Simpson. My contention is that odds like those we saw yesterday should be reserved for shite leagues like Scotland or Belgium. We were given a 4.5% chance of winning (and later 3%) and I honestly looked at it and wasn't sure there was value in it. Maybe it's rose-tinted glasses but I feel like we grew up having a reasonable chance of anyone beating anyone (and certainly drawing) on a given day. Even if that was only 20%. I'll watch every match out of duty (thanks to all that money tbf) but honestly, you have to wonder why we bother against the top 5(?) at this point. That's why I feel the game is being ruined.
  14. I think you've argued your side well in that last post btw, you big puff.
  15. You've argued your point, then complained about me arguing mine, then continued to argue your point in the next sentence... On the cans early or just hungover?
  16. Money's already fucked the game into next week, so let's pour more money in (and then complain that teams don't have a go at sides 10x better).
  17. I don't even think he comes close to the fit and proper person criteria as a supposed human being.
  18. I think we should forego watching sport altogether and just have minutes of applause for each brown baby we bomb out of existence. Still beats spending weekends with the other half.
  19. I don't think heads will drop after that display and I also think there are tough fixtures and then there's Man City away.
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