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Everything posted by adios

  1. I think we just disagree historically on when feminism became a potential problem. For me, it wasn't the 60s, or 70s, or 80s...it's only potentially becoming a problem in the last couple years. Misogyny has been a very real, and violent, threat for a long time. That doesn't mean that we are all born with original sin for having the temerity to be born white men. That doesn't mean there isn't rape and violence from the other side. I don't know about you, but I've never had to consider sexual violence when making plans on how to get home at night. I don't think I see things through ideological lenses either, but Peterson has used the funding of ideologues to get where he is, and it is relevant to most people (including me). As I've shown before, he accepted funding from the Canadian version of Fox News (at best). I can find the info again if need be. I'm a fan of plenty of what he says, but ultimately the way he chooses to present himself makes me uncomfortable.
  2. Ah, I should have been calling them the ctrl-left! Can I be an Alt Gr?
  3. Yes, there have long been lunatics on the fringes, but if you're bringing up SCUM can I get started on Mary Magdelene? And feminists have actually had a point for a long time, when exactly did we become oppressed? Just because that's being shoved in our faces now, doesn't mean there isn't truth in how ludicrous MRAs are. And when you say they're no threat, what exactly do you think the threat of these feminists is, in real terms? It's a good question, and I don't know the answer. I think she probably should have to consider it in today's media and at the very least come out strongly against it. Speaking of threats again, who do we reckon are more likely to act on these threats? A man? A woman? Maybe a male feminist?
  4. I feel like we're rewriting history if I have to explain the problem with MRAs. They were plentiful long before feminism was hijacked by lunatics. As an outsider looking in, he's already lost on his current terms, because his followers will be branded Nazis and people in the middle will say 'well he does seem a bit off'. Maybe I'm completely out of the loop and there really is some massive 'war' going on that has to be fought from the wings, but tbh in my circles it's mostly BAMFU.
  5. He's not a psychologist in this role that he's taken on, he is now a spokesman for a (rather important) cause. He chose to do that. You don't think it's important that most people don't know he has a problem with MRAs? I mean, I still don't know that and I've watched the two videos you just linked. It bothers me because he is clearly smart and well educated and could be a voice against some of this current madness, but as long as he (IMO) continues to be intellectually dishonest about the kinds of people he is inspiring he'll never speak for me or most of the normal, rational men that I discuss this with. And that is in no way meant to disparage 100% of his supporters, because I get why good people support him too.
  6. Well, apologies if I'm wrong but I think he needs to shout it louder and more often because I'm reasonably familiar with him (more than most) and it's the first time I've heard him go after them. This is the problem that rational men that I've talked to seem to have with him too. His appearance on C4 would have been an ideal platform to set the record straight on this. I did have to look up MGTOWs too (I assumed he was nerdshaming some card game), are they a more extreme sect of MRAs or just like the rest? That is to say, has he called out MRAs as a whole or just these guys?
  7. He seems to have a lot of #redpill misogynist nerds in his corner who need to be told to get lives. He doesn't really come out strongly against them but I understand it's delicate because it's the disenfranchised young men he's trying to help too. He's in a position of great power and he should call out any group who's abusing any other group, from any position (but particularly people he's influencing). This would also make the likes of the Guardian look even dumber for rallying against him. The problem he sees is not just being driven by the far Left/Right, it's been driven by the softer "alts" and on the right, those look a lot like his base.
  8. Well obviously he's right about that shower...
  9. Made himself very popular over here by saying Ireland is "so racist it's frightening". The darkie cunt.
  10. I still think he deserves criticism for not clearly calling out certain types that follow him. It's just disingenuous, potentially dangerous and likely all about his Patreon.
  11. This lad's name has been so badly butchered on here, I doubt I'll ever be able to remember the proper spelling.
  12. DK evidently thinks this happened in the 1700s.
  13. Didn't realise he did the new Thor movie.
  14. Totally agree with this. Even the defences I've seen of him essentially amount to the drunk and roofied thirteen-year-old child "asking for it" however the fuck that's supposed to work. So I don't think people are even pretending it didn't happen. But hey, he's good at movies and ting so it's all good.
  15. Hopefully this ends badly enough for her that it sparks an international incident.
  16. I don't think it's that worrying as it's completely expected they won't be talking until at least the TV deal is agreed and probably not until Premiership status is retained.
  17. Cheers, but in spite of the joke I don't think I'd have the stomach to read it. I think I've enough info from people whose opinions I trust that Roman is a bad, bad man.
  18. Too early on a Tuesday morning for the child rape joke?
  19. Link to court records? Could do with something new for the wank bank.
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