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Everything posted by adios

  1. I think I agree with this and it's such a testament to Rafa's ability as a coach. I was thinking earlier that this team actually looks like it belongs in the Premiership the last few games. Several of those players out there today looked like they've been replaced by markedly better players.
  2. Aye, effectively eight points with seven to go. Job done.
  3. There's a difference between missing easy chances and the right moves not paying off. Gayle has done fine.
  4. Happy with that lineup and we might yet see Slimani play at some point this season.
  5. The girlfriend, two cats and myself moved to France for seven years. Then to London for three years with four cats. Have moved countries a couple other times but those are the ones that are probably the most useful experiences. The brother and his girlfriend also just moved to Auckland. Basically what I'm saying is if you need to know anything about smuggling cats, I'm your man.
  6. Some deep analysis here, Robert. I love the bloke but
  7. Looks like people can try the full game for two weeks with a game pass free trial on PC/XBone. I'll probably hold off a while as I've tons to play right now as it is.
  8. I see some of my old fogies group playing this. Average scores but it looks like that's mainly a gripe about single-player content? What do you reckon will be the longevity of online play? I'd have more faith in Rare than most to sort out more content without charging us more but that might be misplaced.
  9. I wasn't genuinely saying they were specific individuals btw. It's not an assumption that they're Jewish, several of them are Jewish caricatures. A rather disproportionate number of the general population, though maybe a fair proportion of the banking community.
  10. I don't know what religion well-known industrialists Karl and Groucho Marx practised, but I defo see them.
  11. adios


    Don't like the implication that I'm not the gunman (or a massive cunt).
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