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Everything posted by adios

  1. Quite a trek for the away fans too.
  2. I went with the far more simple logic: "lolz teamtalk".
  3. Yourselves are a slightly different ball-game to feckin' Deano.
  4. No no and again no, sir! I have no idea what a statistically significant sample is in this instance but this sure as fuck isn't it (especially given how close this one's been). Off your meds or on the wind-up today?
  5. The £100m was guaranteed income, it's not a gamble, it's good business. Two relegations in ten(?) seasons. That's what gambling gets you.
  6. There's a reason we don't refer to good business people as gamblers, even though we all gamble constantly, particularly good business people.
  7. Gambles paying off does not equate to good decision making.
  8. An injured striker...on loan...on the last day of the window. If Rafa wasn't such a genius, relegation would already be a certainty.
  9. @Rayvin Were you awake for the last three windows as a matter of interest?
  10. https://local.theonion.com/man-in-political-argument-clearly-just-regurgitating-mo-1824266624
  11. Every other team in the league will improve from their current position by at least £100m (dependant on their finances tbf).
  12. Stupid is as stupid does. He's probably a bloke of marginally above average intelligence with cognitive biases you could comfortably steer the QE2 through.
  13. I'm just teasing...sort of. 90% of what I watch these days are mediocre horror movies and I love them, so I'm in no position to judge anyone.
  14. I think everyone with anything more evolved than a functioning limbic system agrees with you on Avatar.
  15. I'm just misty-eyed for the good ol' days.
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