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Everything posted by adios

  1. We all need to read up on a lot of things. It wasn't a dig, I could answer your questions in a very long post but I think one authoritative source on the subject would clear a lot of things up for you.
  2. You need to read up on evolution.
  3. Aye religion's harmless enough. Stick to the one sentence or less policy. For the record if God did exist it'd probably be a black woman, probably Oprah Winfrey in fact, but it doesn't so there.
  4. CC: You can't accept the fact that an eternity of nothingness suddenly became something very. very simple and over billions upon billions of years very slowly developed into highly complex organisms but you're happier to believe that some highly complex and sentient super being came from nothingness to start off a process in a rather round about sort of way? They have recreated events af fraction of a second after the big bang in particle accelerators by the way. The only missing piece is how that first 'accident' occured. As for man creating God? There are so many answers to that question it's difficult to know what to say. You try getting a being who builds his entire universe around himself to accept that at some point in the near future he will cease to exist but 'his' universe will carry on regardless. What does the psyche do when it needs to replace the 'God' of parenthood as it matures?
  5. I've learnt too many things on this website that I never wanted to know... I like the classics: "Fucking Cunt!", as immortalised by Pacino in "Glengarry, Glen Ross".
  6. One more trick than I'll give them credit for.
  7. In fairness I did think you were on a wind-up, but not knowing you/your posting style I couldn't be sure. I forgot how stupid people could actually be until I had to post on another forum yesterday. We're blessed with the largely clued in members on this forum. Luke - Shame on you, there's plenty of intelligent Americans! In Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Canada...
  8. I think I might be being whooshed here but, no. Thousands of years of research versus a fanciful story. Voltaire dismisses a benevolent, omnipotent God in about 2 sentences, killing God completely takes a little more work.
  9. Somewhere in Kansas there's a school board prepared to disagree with you!
  10. Dawkins makes a very good case, and I agree with him but I don't like his 100% certainty, 99.999% is fine but that irked me a little. I suppose maybe that's how you have to argue with this particular bunch.
  11. That's now 6046 according to that link. I'm fascinated by the 40 year comparison but they haven't laid it out simply enough for me, if only all information could be simple grids and pictures...
  12. my media player is nackered at the minute, for some reason it keeps on crashing whenever i play mp3's n try n go through my library 54468[/snapback] I had that, apparently it's a common problem if you do a search for it, I think you just have to reinstall it. I just downloaded winamp.
  13. No need to go to war over it, shame GW isn't more familiar with the Internets, might have saved some trouble. Not the best Source
  14. It would be in my circles, I find it hard to imagine a viable alternative. Do you have one?
  15. I've never heard that one before, I wonder if Huxley was poking a bit of fun at that in 'Brave New World'.
  16. The idea that a sentient being created the big bang is probably a lot easier to grasp than the singularity, which is for me, mind-blowing! But them creationists is probably right, the world is, what is it, 10,000 years old?
  17. They also leave Joe Average trying to deal with the distinct possibility that death is final.
  18. That all sounds a bit harsh! I'm a believer in evolution right up to the unconcious mind being a facet of it but a healthy dose of doubt is very good in science. You know it's never certain and theories are evolving all the time. We're always waiting for the next piece of evidence to completely change a particular paradigm. Mind you, Biology is one of the more 'certain' sciences.
  19. Missing link? CC - you can't just take human evolution on it's own and take it apart, the theory of evolution involves alot more, and all tied together it's very convincing. Right down to the level of doubt you have about evolution being in your genes.
  20. You're right, evolution is the best theory we can come up with based on thousands of years of research. It's not quite a few bones here and there, though. But putting, say, Terry Pratchett novels as a theory on an equal footing would be ludicrous. If this was about teaching kids (especially in the US) to have an open mind about things I would be crying tears of joy, literally. It's not, it's moronic at best.
  21. And Kansas will still have the highest fail rate in the country.
  22. adios


    If Australia can't get past a team with a name like U R GAY then there's just no place for you in the World Cup.
  23. A bunch of dubious blokes blowing apart myths and rumours in a Panzer?
  24. I know the general public are stupid but surely they aren't that easily taken in.Especially as that incident had happened about 10 years before when Kinnock became Labour leader. Personally, I don't think people were ready to trust Labour over the economy. When Labour last got the economy was in a bit of a state though so I think that was the reason the Tories lost. Once you're in government, the position is yours to lose really. Especially in a country like ours where people's main concern seems to be am I well off and will the current government keep me well off? 54365[/snapback] They would build their entire campaign around that footage in the US.
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