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Everything posted by adios

  1. 77393[/snapback] He sounds GREAT.
  2. I live just down the road from Rennes-le-Chateau, one of the supposed hiding places of the Holy Grail. It's always full of tourists banging on about the 'mystical feel' of the place. Absolutely beautful views but the only thing that I'm mystified by is the prices in the book shop.
  3. The same could be said about all 3, it's funny to see people scoffing at religious types taking the Bible seriously, and then banging on about books like Holy Blood, Holy Grail as if they were serious scientific studies.
  4. He's talking about The Marian Conspiracy, I was taking the piss, or have I been whooshed?
  5. They should say sexual assault, then. Although you're technically absolutely right, it's a word that heavily suggests penetration, and inflammatory language really isn't needed in this situation. Without being too vulgar, I had assumed that the child would be dead if penetration was involved.
  6. Wouldn't sex between a 16-year-old girl and a 28-year-old man be legal in the UK? Just been checking and it's 15 over here, across the board, I'm off out!
  7. I've never noticed the Bible on airport bookshelves...
  8. I was going to ask that question, but when I discussed it with my girlfriend, and had to actually think about it, too many images I didn't need in my head ended up there. Thanks for renewing them for me!
  9. She gets five years because raping a twelve-week-old baby doesn't seem so bad under his influence? I don't understand.
  10. Bigotry's a terrible thing, isn't it Footsoldier? 77308[/snapback] Don't bite Hobbes, it's not nice.
  11. We had one of them for a mate of mine, it was awful; he was eating two, sometimes three aliens a day.
  12. Very fucking good advice! Good luck, mate.
  13. adios


    Not necessarily, laptops have come down in price a lot recently, but if you're looking to play all the latest games with great graphics then yes. I've had a few laptops and I reckon they're a lot of hassle, difficult to upgrade, noisy, over-heat etc. DON'T buy a Vaio anyway, overpriced pieces of shite. I've heard a few people say the Dell's are good, and they're not too pricey.
  14. adios


    It's the same, Mac laptops play Mac games, a Windows laptop will play Windows ones. EDIT: The laptop will have to be powerful enough for the game, of course.
  15. One would have thought it was rather obvious, but then every time I read a thread over there my faith in humanity drops another notch.
  16. Whatever, the holy ghost did them both in.
  17. Recently I've tried to stay open-minded and non-judgemental about some of the things said over at our better half's, N-O, but when I read this thread I had to walk away. For those of you who stay over there, you deserve a knighthood; I'm off to start a campaign for early abortion of low IQ fetuses.
  18. Didn't score? Waster tbh.
  19. Agree with all of that, especially the highlighted bit! I reckon Luque will be a good player down the left for us once he's adapted (assuming he ever does), but should be allowed to get used to the English game up front.
  20. Well, if you choose to be a gynecologist, you will meet cunts.
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