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Everything posted by adios

  1. That's a pretty poor grasp of irony you have there Sima.
  2. Zoggy was on the left, but as far as I could tell there was no-one on there right. I'm not convinced a formation has actually been decided on...probably for teachers.
  3. According to the television Parker starts on the right, that had better be wrong!
  4. Oh, I was looking for a Dutch-English dictionary: zuffle v. To wipe your cock on the curtain after having sex, usually in a posh bird's house.
  5. I'd watch where you're putting that finger tbh.
  6. Better than Strepsils for a sore throat, I tell you. 87175[/snapback] I don't think he needs to be telt.
  7. Well, he would have... 87177[/snapback] 87178[/snapback]
  8. You know you missplt it though, right?
  9. Fuck off with your new internet dictionary toy! I'm only interested in how the brown half live. 87141[/snapback] I thought he was being quite clever, otherwise he was mis-using the word, and it is the Fish..so I'll go with the latter.
  10. I love that Sima, critic of everything, is an uber-games-geek...tbh.
  11. Car drove past the training ground and spooked the players tbstbs.
  12. 250 quid a year, less exclusive than Sky Digital tbh.
  13. Straight into Smooth's wank bank tbh.
  14. Wacky & Smooth. These online sessions end in wrong-angry-man-love tbh.
  15. All bright sparks in that family, then?
  16. No hassle, I meant to say that, if you want to learn just commit to like 15 minutes a day and if it's getting frustrating just walk away until the next day. If you stick to practicing songs that you like listening to it's grand, learning guitar should be fun... or something equally cheesy.
  17. Grand for a beginner,and no nasty steel strings to cut your fingers to shreds! Easy, learn a few chords (I'd suggest Em,E,G,A,Am,C,D,Dm & F last) and find a few songs you like to practice. You'll find everything you need online if you search google for "song title guitar tabs" or similar, and if you don't know how to read tab, it's easy: This site looks all right: http://guitar.about.com/library/blhowtoreadtab.htm The only boring bit I would recommend is hitting each string individually when you're first practicing a chord to make sure they all sound all right. I'm assuming even with that being a classical guitar you don't want to play in the classical style, not really worth it at the moment.
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