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Everything posted by adios

  1. Britain is not in a position to dictate terms, and the EU know that, which has been proven by the negotiations. It would be a fucking economic disaster not to agree terms (for Britain).
  2. What about the ECHR do you want to change?
  3. I'd love to see them get 3 on the bounce and still go down.
  4. Aye, adhering to human rights is a right pain in the bollocks.
  5. Aye but all 3 have been dogshite enough that I think 3 wins on the bounce might well be good enough (not that that's going to happen anyway).
  6. You reckon both Birmingham and Bolton will get at least 4 points from 9?
  7. You can say what you like on here, we even have a resident Nazi. ^^^
  8. Centre-Left or burn the fucker to the ground tbh.
  9. I think that was the point, or have I been wooshed?
  10. Sounds like a Russian brand of power dildo.
  11. Shut the fuck up or I'll cut your dick off, you cunt.
  12. now that's what I want in my back garden.
  13. He got me today tbf.
  14. Why is CT being funny? I'm scared and confused.
  15. I did say a long weekend.
  16. I could train a parrot to do what @Christmas Tree does over a long weekend.
  17. Ok, you didn't assume anything, you just can't read. You're right though, what the fuck am I thinking having a conversation with you? Shame on me.
  18. I've forgotten about Blair running on the whole illegal war platform, my apologies.
  19. I'll take that as a massive compliment.
  20. You've assumed that assumption. You've voted for it, you can take personal responsibility for the consequences. You've also assumed I live in some sort of bubble without Conservative friends, which is odd. Strangely enough, I consider myself a centrist/left-leaning libertarian but I do recognise when one side is behaving abhorrently.
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