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Everything posted by adios

  1. What's the point though? I'd rather lose that little than win it! I will make the ginger robot explode!
  2. Now that's bad taste, I was losing faith in this thread.
  3. The example I gave offered a real 100% difference in the statistics, a pretty perfect example of an un-semantical argument; I'm assuming you're using words you don't understand. Whenever someone tries to nicely explain where you're making an error, you don't listen. I'm just suggesting you look at your figures if you're not trying to mislead all the people who have faith in you.
  4. I really hope you're joking.
  5. It looks like it's just an internet copy+paste job. I'd be slightly concerned about the focus: 2 pages on Newcastle United; 4 on the railway and 20 on golf-courses.
  6. I'm not quite sure what you mean, to put it at its simplest: If 2,000 users vote on a poll and then the same 2,000 users sign a petition, that doesn't equal 4,000 people. 2,000 people voted for Hitzfeld in an internet poll. You claim a further 2,000 signed an online petition, therefore you're adding the 2 together and coming up with a figure of 4,000. It would be normal to assume a very similar group (Newcastle fans/Hitzfeld fans/Internet Users/etc.), of which there are a relatively small number, using 2 approval mechanisms being distributed largely in the same space as overlapping, unless you had specific data available to indicate otherwise. Then expand that example out to include the support emails you have received and any other means of calculating figures you are using.
  7. €100 Hitzfeld 28-1 €100 on various others: Curbishley 75-1; Allardyce 16-1; Keegan 150-1. Now that's how you throw money away.
  8. By that logic is Roth saying all Spanish born Croats (or whatever she was) are mercenary psychopaths? I can think of four Americans in the film, I thought the teens were a pretty average threesome: sensible; somewhat obnoxious; and very obnoxious, not particular to the US. There was only one psychotic American in the film, compared to many European ones and at least one film director. My memory of that scene is of a night time cobbled street, from them days with shouts, stuff raining down and smashing glass. Really reminded me of Jewish furniture and possibly Jews being thrown out of similar windows in, I think, The Pianist. I didn't really see the little boys the same way, they were almost comic relief. I'm going to have to have another watch of it, it is a couple of weeks since I watched it, I think, and my memory's already pretty hazy of it.
  9. That took me by surprise until I read the last bit. My gay eyes loved it btw, best stick one of these under your avatar:
  10. Government issue cyanide is the answer.
  11. You'll also notice above, first he admits to that lie, rather dismissively, then attacks people for trying to verify other facts. I find that to be rather odd behavior.
  12. I once expected not to be lied to, I was dissapointed. Now I am forever cursed to take my revenge on undeserving men of honour and integrity like HTT.
  13. Interesting read. How have the voters on this poll been verified as being different the the petition signers and the emailers? The norm would be to assume a severe overlap, surely? The figure of 10,000 (which is now anywhere up the 15,000 according to the 'interview' published a couple of days later) is still well short of the majority of supporters repeatedly claimed by the campaign.
  14. I agree with that. They're both going voluntarily into potentially dangerous situations, for one it might just be a job, but in most cases they both believe they're doing the right thing, should we only back the ones who are doing the government sanctioned right thing? I'm not saying I disagree with Rob in this instance, but I think his sweeping generalisation is flawed.
  15. I just fidget like a small child tbh. 111260[/snapback] You wank like a small teenager more like. 111264[/snapback] I fear an opportunity was missed there, and after shandy had said it so much better as well. I did discover during my teens that banks are just to messy to be worth the effort, no doubt SO will have some clever method to avoid the mess, like sticking his cock up his nose...
  16. Obviously not reading the complete works of Plato! It's more the splashing, I just fidget like a small child tbh.
  17. I thought they tried to avoid the comparison by making the leads rather stupid. The Jews were going along minding their own business when they got virtually wiped out of Europe. These Americans came to Europe looking for girls they can't get at home, causing trouble in clubs, bitching that the TV doesn't have subtitles. They're jack-asses who think the world should cater to them rather than attempting to fit in with the world. I think Eli Roth might be making a point that Americans are pariahs outside of their own country, but was careful to show the behaviour that makes it so. 111249[/snapback] I didn't think that the contrast was there to show that that one led to the other, I thought he was saying 'Hey, we understand that Americans can be idiots, too" and that maybe he understands where the dislike(hatred?) comes from. Do you think they behaved like that because they were young men, or because they were Americans? The American client at the end was an open admission of what's wrong with some Americans, but I thought the boys were typical of Western culture, and humanity, not the just the US. There were too many pointers to anti-semitism for me to dismiss, maybe on their own, but not all together. The scene where they're being abused and shit thrown down on them on the Amsterdam street was hugely evocative for me, and to a lesser extent did the torture chambers remind you of anything? It's littered with other suggestions, Anne Frank Huis is a popular attraction, but seems a little out of character for their holiday. The problem with racial hatred and xenophobia is that the accusations are often based on half truths that are quite difficult to refute. But saying that all Americans are like that, and have ultimately brought it on themselves should be no different than saying similar things about the holocaust, but it's acceptable to mock Americans now, it reminds me of Orwell's essay on the treatment of Jews in the UK after WWII, accepted. I don't think it's an accident that it can be argued either way, or am I reading too much into it?
  18. I'm not very experienced in how wet a book can get without being ruined, any pointers? I once managed to drop a book down the toilet, but it got covered in shit, so it was a write-off anyway.
  19. Not really the question I asked, if a soldier volunteers to serve and ends up a hostage in downtown Baghdad, would you still not want to rescue them?
  20. Do you not find it gets wet? That's why I can't stand baths, I get bored after about 5 minutes.
  21. I don't understand how the nudity can be seen as gratuitous. The start was very typical lads weekend in Amsterdam, 2 times during the film it could be said to be over the top, and both times there was a very good reason for that. In fact, it could be labelled a twisted morality tale; very Old Testament, maybe even an eye for an eye? I think it's unfair to lump it in with something like Nightmare on Elm Street, the suspense was built quite well, it was disturbingly close to something that might actually happen. And torture and gore is unfortunately more of a horrific reality than say Ringu, it scared the shit out of me, but if you step back for a second, it can't ever happen, so the spell is broken. It's why I'm such a lover of horror movies, it's such a difficult genre; if that spell is broken for one second, for any reason, they've probably lost you for the whole movie. So, for me, one of the best ever made. HF - Glad you liked it, I thought it had a lot of depth for a horror movie, anyone think there was a comparison made to antisemitism and the treatment of the Americans?
  22. Does that include soldiers, like? Agree with you about Thatcher.
  23. Aye, but never trusts a ginge, it says so in the Bible.
  24. I haven't seen the remake, but I agree on Connelly; then again good acting has feck all to do with it if the director isn't pulling the strings right! I did see the remake of 'The Ring', I thought it was a very competent remake but was left wondering what the point was, it was virtually identical, not as scary but a bit more graphic. I like to have a little smoke before a horror movie, if kitchen appliances are terrifying before you sit down to watch you'll probably have a more satisfying experience. Will have a look for Neighbour 13 today, cheers.
  25. Or the story exists because O'Neill was spotted there on Wednesday? I have more faith in UM on this story tbh.
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