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Everything posted by adios

  1. adios


    Impersonating a police officer and bribery; it's a new low! Have you considered becoming an agony aunt?
  2. adios


    Outie? From what I've heard it's the birth of a new sex-organ!
  3. Bizarre mental image...
  4. adios


    cash-savvy child-whore is upping the ante. Or she thinks Pud is a a plod...
  5. adios


    Maybe it's his burd?
  6. Is it good like? 117500[/snapback] I'm not sure, it begs the question, how close do we want to get to a fully-immersive war experience; I think I need therapy after the first level.
  7. adios


    Pre-internet internet thingy, thought you might be familiar with it being a financial type, but looking at the info, it may never have been available in the UK; had it in Ireland, technical paradise I tells ya!
  8. adios


    Liking that site, some interesting reading. Re above, I know this is very self-involved maybe it's got something to do with avoiding animals most likely to rip your children's arms off? Agree with the sentiment though; now, I'm off to feed mushrooms to my cats in a bid to create a new breed of super-cat.
  9. Call of Duty - Jesus Christ!
  10. adios


    you could email the pics from your phone to your email addy though, then upload them. 117486[/snapback] Gemmill's stll trying to get his head around MiniTel tbh.
  11. Christ! Apparently Ireland's is 80, as well.
  12. adios


    5/10 - face 3/10 - tits 117337[/snapback] That's so generous I have to assume you're referring to J69 and HTT.
  13. Haven't read it, but might just add it to my play order now, been meaning to read something of his for a while. The thing about The DaVinci Code is that it nearly takes longer to talk about it, than read it, definitely doable in a couple of hours.
  14. Says the premium importer of populist drivel to Britain! FACT-ASY ISLAND.
  15. Lies, I've had a hundred quid on him since my cat had a dream about a sex-crazed teddy, I may have that backwards...
  16. It is a thrilling read, but it has the literary quality of HTT's posts... 117288[/snapback] Generous tbh. On a serious note, Alex, some of the history was interesting, it is well researched, potential for all you can eat did-you-know-fantasia. The Dan Brown one.
  17. adios


    would go myself but not sure ill be up that early. 117287[/snapback] As early as a pig on stilts? New one on me, like.
  18. Owned by the judge-turned book critic. 117279[/snapback]
  19. Good, I've read both and didn't think much of either tbh. But the authors were constantly tring to enhance their credibility by talking about the BBC, and playing their science against the church card; but they're money grabbing charlatans and this court case proves it.
  20. adios


    Who could resist tbs tbs.
  21. Come on now Gemmill, we have Smooth's cock to compete with, got to raise the bar.
  22. Cheets mate, shall have a look today.
  23. adios


    Can I suggest Moby Dick? 117256[/snapback] Lolita, Shirley?
  24. adios


    Is "she" in Dublin PP? There's a media degree in DCU widely regarded as no more valuable than toilet paper. I knew a bloke who did it, honestly the thickest fucker I ever met, he was an "entrepreneur" who I honestly had to spend a week explaining that if you spent a quid to make 50 pence you were making a loss! It was a beautiful moment the penny dropped, is that you Ronan?
  25. adios


    Canny lad, afraid to leave the house, though.
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