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Everything posted by adios

  1. I was commenting on Woodgate27's avatar, you mong!
  2. People have too much fucking time on their hands tbh.
  3. adios


    Seconded. Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombones is well worth giving some time to. But why can't he just develop his own taste?
  4. adios


    Like I said, only redeeming feature.
  5. adios


    A Nazi and an Imperialist. We are your only redeeming feature FACTICIOUS!
  6. adios


    The British Empire has a lot to answer for tbh.
  7. The weight adds years, with a proper excercise regime you could look mid-thirties in no time.
  8. adios


    Is that really him, then? The eejit's certainly wired to the moon and makes no sense.
  9. It's a manly kind of fashion that you borrowed from the brutes.
  10. adios


    It would never work, you'd say that, but you'd always be thinking of that no good kandy-raver.
  11. adios


    Beaten by the king of predictability!
  12. adios


    Obvious even to Alex, my career as an online funny-man meets an untimely end. I wept.
  13. adios


    Alex doesn't have a screen in his head, it's just the way the light hits it.
  14. Toontastic's day out for '07? I'm there! http://www.ultimateevents.org.uk/altontowers.aspx
  15. Nor me, it was directed at the thread starter. I can't really see how anyone in their right mind gives a shite about this.
  16. How would you feel about a Christian day out at Alton Towers?
  17. You're banter's always been piss poor, but I hope you're banned after that statement.
  18. And for the come down from the that? Alcohol. Vision circle.
  19. When you're on the evening shift and someone's left a copy of Penthouse lying around? It would be rude not too...
  20. Thank you! I thought I was going to get a lecture from the medical-type. You realise I'll now refer to you whenever someone says I'm overdoing it. This counts for all drugs, right...and alcohol? Double doses over the water, that wouldn't be why citizens of the US seem so slow...
  21. I think it'll take a little bit more than that to OD. I generally take double doses of medicine, when I take it, which isn't often. I'm much worse with a chest infection, tend to swig from the bottle in an attempt to kill it quickly. Codeine; space-tastic!
  22. I had to substitute a bit - 1 litre iced tea, 1 litre water, 4 slices toast with marmalade, 800mg Ibuprofen. Still feeling a bit ropey, but a lot better! Cheers Cath.
  23. being a bit odd? A couple of posts seem to have gone missing yesterday and the PMs are behaving strangely. Saying there's new messages when there isn't, not saying when there is.
  24. Very difficult to search for 'bleeeeuuurrrgghhh' in any condition, luckily ibuprofen is marginally easier to spell. Anyway, bleeeeuuurrrgghhh...
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