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Everything posted by adios

  1. Agreed, I had thought it was just a Souness fantasy until Roeder mentioned it last week, which lends a bit more weight to the argument. He looked all right against Lillestrom on Saturday, but they're not exactly Premiership quality.
  2. I'd be livid if someone did that to a dog, to be honest. Licensing needed.
  3. Aye, I know who you mean. He's a danger with that 4wd monstrosity after a few drinks, I'll keep an eye out.
  4. I don't first team football will be enough if we're not in Europe every year, he'll probably expect regular Champion's League, but I'd hope he was holding out for UEFA qualification?
  5. What's with the mellow smiley? Is it going to be driven by an extremely stoned gentlemen or will it hurtle towards me at 5 mph? "Beware your body reaching 42C" might have been more topical.
  6. Wouldn't she be the host, though. Too scared to think about it tbh.
  7. We'll still get a tribunal fee. 165273[/snapback] Le Havre would love that, especially if we end up with 3/4 million.
  8. Don't think that covers drug dealers. Jesus Wept!
  9. I don't think anyone's saying we're getting rid, the worry is that he'll see out his contract and go to one of the big clubs. He's had a contract sat in front of him for 3 months which he hasn't signed and I think his current one runs out in 12 months. I think he's shown he has the ability both to play for a big club, and to get what he wants. Maybe we should sit him down and tell him the parable of The Greedy Bernard
  10. Considering how we got him from Le Havre, this is hardly surprising. Didn't we get Bernard under similar circumstances?
  11. Sima blatantly trying to get his post count up before he gets deleted again tbh.
  12. Vaginoplasty and ale on the menu for me then.
  13. What was the other thing?
  14. adios


    Sima was right, no one cares about him.
  15. I feel I have waged war on this subject with the full arsenal of Science and Philosophy, and come to the only logical conclusion.
  16. J69 also works in a hospital, case closed tbh.
  17. That probably explains it.
  18. Your co-workers are as odd as you are. Where do you work?
  19. No Alex, you wished the AIDS on him! Your usual blind vendetta against the man who is solely responsible for making us the 5th best run club in the universe, since time began. Don't know you're born tbh.
  20. Yeah, I'm sure his agent would have been making a few calls as well. Unfair to paint the fat one in a bad light for trying to bring Rooney in.
  21. Trying to poach members from another forum, the cheek!
  22. Mother nature has found a way to deal with night-before showerers tbh.
  23. It's the latter, my fast inflating friend!
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