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Everything posted by adios

  1. Can someone send me some? I don't know/remember what it tastes like.
  2. In the absence of that option, I've gone for Ronaldo, as he's the closest.
  3. Same here, thought maybe it ahd something to do with Skirge.
  4. Would what? Put a bowl down for her?
  5. adios


    Alter ego/one of your patients?
  6. Please tell me you weren't thinking about Shola when you wrote that.
  7. adios

    Rain, Rain

    I'll have that bar if you're not going to finish it.
  8. Not sure how you think he'd hear about it, Alan's not telling.
  9. adios

    Rain, Rain

    Monroe transfer?
  10. Sounds like you're hiding something tbh.
  11. Better than Cech in my opinion too though. 169206[/snapback] Thirded. Any chance of some Newcastle transfer news?
  12. Agreed. By the way, Akabusi is a fucking legend, where is he to tell us who's next on the Roedster's hit-list?
  13. You say that almost like it's a bad thing. And Ellison's cheapness have fuck all to do with her accent!
  14. You wouldn't say no, in her piggy nostrils tbh.
  15. Had a quick look on N-O. It's Alan fucking Oliver. ;) In the last 10 posts: 3 topics on here: Newcastle identity: Geordies ? The Lindisfarne Gospels: Bring them home Remember Black & White Day Personal website: NE Pride The Northumbrian, I salute you!
  16. adios


    Have a good one!
  17. No, I've coached humans*. *Lies
  18. Beat me to it, the geezer has a massive chip on his shoulder about Southerners f or some strange reason. 168981[/snapback] The bloke with 3 posts? Was he someone else before?
  19. adios


    Happy Birthday, Rantin'!
  20. Sir Les is a jewel encrusted, 24-carat gold, religious artefact, so you're still way out on your own there Sammy. I get pretty much every Premiership match live over here, so by your logic I know more about Premiership football than any of you; but we all knew that anyway.
  21. Tough call, Lee or Beardsley for me, but I've gone for Rob Lee due to his psychotically pro-Newcastle commentary since he retired.
  22. Ross Noble can die now, he has served his purpose.
  23. System of a Down? Wouldn't have guessed that, I've only ever heard one of their songs* and it sounded quite different. *which I always claimed sounded like "Osama-sama-sama Bin Laden", but it didn't, really.
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