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Everything posted by adios

  1. That's what I reckon. If he satisfies a detailed psychiatric report and still wants to die, give him a lethal injection and do it humanely, like we should be doing for people with degenerative terminal illnesses. He has no chance of parole so perhaps there is no point in him living with what he has done tbh. 192840[/snapback] Totally agree with you, but I love the way you've managed to sneak in an opener for a potential euthanasia debate. Man after my own heart tbs tbs.
  2. The Lotus Magpie; comes with FFSGPS, tells you the wrong directions, assures you everything is going swimmingly as your luxury motor bubbles to the bottom of the Tyne.
  3. Could just be lazy journalism, but under the cirumstances I really hope it's true.
  4. Google hasn't cached your profile or anything you've posted in for a couple of months. It likes Alex, ask politely for him to stick your url as his homepage in the profile - I don't think this board shows sigs to google from what I can tell, but it will pick it up in the profile. Where have you got the idea forums are good places for link crawling btw? Maybe very, very popular forums if you have no other option, but I wouldn't have recommended it personally.
  5. i think owen was a wrong buy cos even though he may be quick as a striker, his style of play is widely known hence defenders know how to mark him. plus he has a track record of being quite permanently injured when it comes to club footie 192736[/snapback] As it is with all famous strikers...so the plan is what? Ship in unknowns from Asia for a few months and get rid once the opposition know their game? He also scored 7 in 11 when fit, not a bad record for a famous striker, the entire West Ham defence should be taken out and shot tbh. I'm not sure the two injuries he suffered, which have kept him out for the extended periods of 5 months and probably 8 months, have anything to do with injury proneness.
  6. Pretty sure they're all legal in the UK, legal here anyway, sick fuckers!
  7. Obviously did the right thing, vigilantism can't be far away if the cunts in charge allow this kind of thing to happen.
  8. I took the opportunity to monitor my technique earlier on, three "wraps" of the hand, and tear, gets about 4-5 squares each time. I'll usually wipe and double each time, depending on how messy things are.
  9. That's a crocodile joke, ha haaa!
  10. It's a piss-take, sin't it? Marked man in my homeland soon enough tbs tbs.
  11. So, tell us Rob, what's the skinny on Germans, and the Irish?
  12. Oooh, me piles just winced. I don't tear off sheets, I just "roll" it around my hand a couple of times and then tear, and use that. Was it on here that someone posted about how Americans bunch instead of folding? Creepier than the Christian Right tbh.
  13. I've done that, very long time ago. Just keep shit loads of it around now.
  14. I use an excessive amount, this entire place stank of sewage today when they had to get a truck out to pump out a blockage. I wonder if there's a link?
  15. Can I put 5.8 billion on?
  16. I believe my grandmother sailed on that ship, it's since been taken out of commission.
  17. Ah, it's Rockshots you're after tbs tbs.
  18. Alex trying ferociously to deflect attention from the fact he'd bought tickets to this crappy windup. Edge of seat, hand frozen half way between popcorn and mouth.
  19. The key words " take it slowly though" never reached the intended target. Like some high tension war movie, they went over the front without receiving those all important words from home. Just for the record, Billy, if I do finally make it over for a piss up and offer you a pint, I'm not offering you out, please don't glass me!
  20. Aye, I jumped straight in there.....AGAIN! Before I got that 2nd PM and fucked it up. Still though, we had Alex & Gemmill going for a bit! 192577[/snapback] I was just waiting to find out you hadn't really got any of the PMs and I had been claimed in Calais.
  21. Any chance I could request one for you and Craig to keep your Nerlinger discussions in, wetting yourselves over the latest security mod?
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